.flv quality
Here is a link to a flash project I created:
This flash project is made up of multiple .flv videos.
If I play these very .flvs in realplayer, they look beautiful.
However, viewing them in this flash presentation, they look pixellated and choppy.
How do I get the .flvs to look better when viewed in the .swf?
Are you scaling them? I suggest providing a link to one of the flvs which looks bad so I can play with it.
Here's a link to a zip file with everything:
I looked at a few of the flvs in Real Player. I really can't see a difference in quality. I didn't see the fun file in the zip. I need to see that to better understand the problem.
Ah, sorry about that, here's a link to a .zip folder with everything, including the .fun file:
The difference I'm seeing is that when viewing the .html or the .swf in my browser (firefox and internet explorer, and chrome) there's a very slight pause / jump every once in a while...when I view the flv's in realplayer, they are always very very smooth.
I didn't mention this previously, you may have figured this out, you have to left-click on either "hospital" or "pharmacy" on the kiosk once you enter the building. They don't look clickable but they are.
A slight pause once and awhile doesn't surprise me. You are downloading many MBytes of video. RealPlayer probably does a better job of preloading the video before playing it.
Okay, I was hoping that since the data was cached, that there wouldn't be that weird pause or skip...or maybe there was something to do with video codec (I converted .avis to .flvs, and the .avis had mjpg compression).
By the way, Bob, I'm extremely grateful that you even looked at my project, than you so much for your time.
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