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Thread: swf slow

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    swf slow

    hi all missed me ?? lol
    so... I am a very old 3dfa user.
    no background in programming what so ever I had a good progress I think,
    any way,
    I am working on something all most a year now,
    its coming to be IT now and I am very happy
    i am working on ac2 and made a site that is being built by balls. (little colored dots) and it looks great
    today by mistake i run it on my old system and found out that its hardly moving
    BIG LAG .
    on my pc its runs great ,
    now that is something I have notes all along the way working with 3dfa.
    and every time I came to the Conclusion that I missing something,
    like maybe i am not rendering something right or maybe this is not the way to do that .... and such

    lets take my last project as example

    i took a ball and i duplicate it around 80 + / - times
    i do that for 4 balls i get something like 360 + / - dots
    they have there properties and they moving for my demand

    is that ok to that ? in a flash perspective I mean . is there boundary of how many duplicates element flash can handle ?
    any help would be welcome

  2. #2
    Senior Member zoranvedek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wagoner OK
    It's not what Flash can handle it's what the end user's processor can handle.

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