Forum Concerns
Hi folks
I may start to use this forum again as im trying to re-learn flash right now.
However there are a few things really concerning me.
I seem to be getting a crazy amount of lag navigating this forum. every new page i go to it lags the page, and my mouse.. and worst my browser completely freezes from a range of 10 to 20 seconds giving it the appearance that is crashed. I dont have any other such problems with any other sites, my pc is modern, i have a decent net speed, my pc is as clean as i can get it in terms of file structure, bloat, virues, etc etc
I really gota say the lag is so bad often, that its almost unusable . Im just wondering if this is usual with this forum?
Also, i spent about half an hour writing a post , when i submitted my login had expired, this is usualy ok since most forums i goto seem to continue the subbmission on re-login (as long as im not logged out too long).. OR... lets me re-log in, and backspace back to the filled out post form.
I noticed on this forum when i re-logged in . the forum did not continue with the submission.. or did not let me backspace back to my already filled out post form. Its lucky i had copied and pasted the whole post into a text pad before submitting (as is my habbit when posting stuff that takes me longer then 15mins or so) .... my questions are how long will the forum take to auto logme out? or is there some option to backspace back to a filled out post if my log in time expires.
lastly, the post i did in the end manage to submit is now not showing up on the forum.. i dont want to re-post in case the forum has some new post delay or something, but its been about 10 mins now and its still not there.
not a great start with me and this forum to be honest.. i sure hope i can smoothen things out here because it looks like the best and most active forum ive seen so far.
any help would be great
So many issues - so little time.
There is a time limit set... Once you click the New Thread or Reply button you have 15 minutes to type. If it's going to take longer than that - you'll have to do like you did and type in another app like Note Pad or MS Woed.
Posts by new members go into a pre-mod que and must be approved by a site staff member. It just depends on the time of day ect as to how long that takes. (meaning a site staff member has to be on line)
I've reported the lag time before and will do it again. Internet Explorer is the worst when it comes to the lag...
Hi there Steve
First of all thanks for the reply.
I see the new user post policy now and was a bit hasty bringing that up.. also Ill note about the 15mins.. and will make sure to save text into clipboard before posting.
Perhaps u might delete that post in the coffee lounge, as at the time i thought it was my best chance at getting a msg thru to someone who might help.
I think i got more frustrated with everything when combined with the lag... the lag just made my frustration 10 times worse, and it was starting to show on the last coffee lounge post, so i am sorry for that.
Incidentally, the lag is worse on FF then it is on IE.. but ide rather use FF and face the slightly worse lag. Not tested on chrome..etc
anyway.. ill take all your notes on board and thanks again for the reply/help
No problem. I can relate to your frustration
But I am going to report the lag "again" and use your verbiage to help get the point across
I zapped your thread in the coffee lounge.
Senior Member
FYI, this website is on the fringes of being completely removed.... I mean.... updated. This includes both the layout and the back-end content engine that delivers the resources. What it doesn't include, at this time, is the forum. However with new hardware for the front-end of the site and thus pulling some of the load off the servers hosting the forum, images and content, it should improve the overall performance of the entire site. Time will tell... ETA is about a month from now. We're testing in dev now.
Senior Member
Defy the boundaries!.. NEVER surrender to the code!!!.....
Senior Member
Technical difficulties, new ETA, assuming we can work out the issues...6/1/12
Forum will be updated within the next month or two as well. it is going to be upgraded to the newer vesion of vBulletin.
Senior Member
I personally cant wait. Long live the Yellow!
The new version is way different. It's like going form Office 2003 to Office 2010.
Can I just add that a upgrade to VB4 will be a welcomed move and it may get a few old school member back here again, and please tell me that you will be purchasing the iOS and Android apps.
I run a VB 4 forum with just over 24,000 members and I have seen over a 20% increase in traffic just through the use of the iOS and Android apps, I also have the Facebook app but have no way of judging what traffic that produces at the moment!
Senior Member
Testing is ongoing, still working out some minor bugs and migrating the data over, which is HUGE! Should be any day now.
 Originally Posted by Planet
I personally cant wait. Long live the Yellow!
We dropped (are dropping) the yellow and made it a bit more bland. If you really want the yellow back, we can see about doing a second template....
The yellow kills me... 
main site has now been updated. Forum will be updated within next few weeks (before end of month).
Any issues can be reported in this forum.
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