new flash website, with 3dfa
Hello dear 3dfa community,
i want to show you an job of mine, that i have done for a client.
It´s generated entirely in 3dfa. It was a perfect task for me, cause
i don´t have to code much. It´s based on AS 2.0. I have to say, that
i prefer the structure of 3dfa over Adobe Flash. It is more logical in my
opinion. For a further development of 3dfa, i would wish something like
a node-based viewport of actions, objects and so on. I am happy , that
i found much answers here in the 3dfa forum. Thank you all.
I hope you like the website. Thx for watching.
very nice
und interessant das noch ein paar andere deutsche 3DFA benutzen :)
sry for my bad school english (I´m from germany) 
thx lewxx, glad you like the design of the website. 
It was layouted with illustrator, so the whole sites / subsites
are made of vectors. Except for the thumbs. I like the idea of
these technique, cause it is infinite scaleable. Every site / subsite
has less than 90kb size, with its effects out from 3Dfa.
sidenotes, german:
Vielen Dank, das es gefällt. Freut mich ebenso einen Landsmann
hier anzutreffen. Wie gesagt, finde ich 3dfa einfach genial, genial
einfach . Denn es simplifiziert Aktionen / erledigt Sachen sehr
schnell. Komplexere Aufgaben können dann über das Scripting ab-
laufen. Weitere Entwicklung d. App wäre schön...
3DFA hobby scripter
yeah i would really appreciate it, if the 3DFA-Team would continue to release updates.
sadly my hope in this is gone
(lewxx is my second account, in which I inadvertently logged in)
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