recommendations for converting swf video to MP4...
I have a few projects that need to be able to work on the iPad and potentially other mobile devices that are and are not Flash based. They need to be converted from swf to mp4 and I'm wondering if I can get any advice on what would be the best method and/or additional software to use for this?
Also I have had issues with streaming audio with video in flash. When the audio is set to "Stream" to the timeline it produces a strange filtering effect on the audio. When set to "Event" however, it does not produce the filtering effect but the audio doesn't sync properly throughout the sequence. Is there a solution to this?
Designer, Programmer, Musician
Try changing it to "Start".
You can export your swf directly in flash to .MOV (quicktime) high quality, and then convert it to mp4 with any video converter. I recommend you Any Video Converter Ultimate or AVS Video Converter.
Exporting it to .mov in flash, preservers the movieclip tweens. You have to configure the exporting settings to uncompressed, and the audio best quality (48kbps or more) and the resolution something like 1024x768, something higher. You must have Quicktime installed.
 Already mastering AS3. It was so fun. Now into Javascript and PHP and all its libraries 
Thanks! I will check for QT and give this a try.
Everything worked great, thanks! I have another question if you don't mind...
My Process:
What I started out with was a swf file that I uses "so-think SWF Decompiler" to convert to a fla file. Then in Flash I imported a new mp3 audio file into the flv that had my converted swf. Still in Flash, once my editing of placing in the new audio was finished, I used your method of exporting it to a .mov file, then converted it to an MP4 with "AVS Video Converter".
Is there any quality lost in the process of all of the converting?
Last edited by SpitSpitSpitty; 12-03-2012 at 04:08 PM.
Designer, Programmer, Musician
If you configure the quality in all your converters, no quality lost. I think, many of the converters have the ability of choosing video quality and audio quality, resolution, bitrate, etc. Choose max parameters for all.
 Already mastering AS3. It was so fun. Now into Javascript and PHP and all its libraries 
Another concern I'm wondering about is... Is there anything that has to be done when converting to the MP4 settings for the tilt rotation to work correctly on an I-pad or other tablet with tilting capabilities?
Designer, Programmer, Musician
No. The tilt function takes your video and rotates it automatically. An examples is a flash .swf,a site or a video, you make it vertical 500x200 and the tablet/phone/ipad when tilted rotates it 200x500.
 Already mastering AS3. It was so fun. Now into Javascript and PHP and all its libraries 
Check this SWF Converter.
It helps you easily convert swf video to mp4, flv, mov, avi, wmv, mpeg, or other formats.
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