
I have two movie clips.

I have attached screen shot of movie clip.

1. Movie clip : CD

below code rotate globe by mouse control.

CD.getMouseRotation = function(){
var x = this._parent._xmouse-this._x;
var y = this._parent._ymouse-this._y;
return Math.atan2(y,x)*180/Math.PI;
CD.positionToMouse = function(){
this._lastrotation = this._rotation;
this._rotation = this.getMouseRotation() - this._clickrotation;
CD.spin = function(){
this._rotation += this.spinSpeed;
this.spinSpeed *= .9;
CD.onPress = function(){
this._clickrotation = this.getMouseRotation() - this._rotation;
this.onEnterFrame = this.positionToMouse;
CD.onRelease = CD.onReleaseOutside = function(){
this.spinSpeed = this._rotation - this._lastrotation;
if (this.spinSpeed > 180) this.spinSpeed -= 360;
else if (this.spinSpeed < -180) this.spinSpeed += 360;
this.onEnterFrame = this.spin;

2. Movie clip : AE

below code rotate dynamic.

onEnterFrame = function(){


how to combine two movie clip and rotate together.

could you guide me.
