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Thread: What do I need to create a CD launcher program?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    What do I need to create a CD launcher program?

    I want to create a CD a launcher program
    Ideally it should be cross platform

    When the program starts, it should give the user the option to launch another exe

    Should I just use Fscommand?
    I would really like to have background transparency

    What should I use?

    Answer: SWF Studio (Amongst others)?
    The problem is that I don't want to spend $300
    + I need the software to open on Windows 8 (not sure if there would be any security or other restrictions)

    Is there any other choices?
    SWF Studio: just looked, hasn't been updated in 3 years?
    (Is that because Flash is not used by the world since Steve Jobs dissaproved??)



  2. #2
    KoolMoves Moderator blanius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Atlanta GA
    I use SWF studio, it's still great.... Only issue is not cross platform.

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