Android AIR shake showing random pictures
Every time you shake the phone it randomly shows a text. But how can i change the text and instead show an image from the library?
the code:
var accelerometer1:Accelerometer;
var tfInfo1:TextField;
// Data used to determine a shake
var delta1X:Number;
var delta1Y:Number;
var delta1Z:Number;
var acc1X:Number;
var acc1Y:Number;
var acc1Z:Number;
// Number of shakes captured
var shakes1:int = 0;
// Constant used to determine whether a movement is strong enough
// to constitute a "shake"
var threshold1:Number = 0.7;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
// Create text field
tfInfo = new TextField();
var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Helvetica",36);
format.color = 0xFFFFFF;
tfInfo.defaultTextFormat = format;
tfInfo.border = false;
tfInfo.wordWrap = true;
tfInfo.multiline = true;
tfInfo.x = 120;
tfInfo.y = 250;
tfInfo.height = stage.stageHeight - 80;
tfInfo.width = stage.stageWidth - 20;
// Determine accelerator support
if (Accelerometer.isSupported)
accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
accelerometer.addEventListener(AccelerometerEvent. UPDATE, accelerometerUpdateHandler1);
tfInfo.text = "Motion sensor detection is not support on this device. No shaking for you!";
// Add custom shake event
addEventListener("shake", shakeHandler1);
* Handler for Accelerator updates
* @param event
function accelerometerUpdateHandler1(event:AccelerometerEve nt):void
// Determine delta for each dimension
deltaX = Math.abs(accX - event.accelerationX);
deltaY = Math.abs(accY - event.accelerationY);
deltaZ = Math.abs(accZ - event.accelerationZ);
// Algorthym to determine whether a shake occurred.
if ((deltaX > threshold && deltaY > threshold) ||
(deltaX > threshold && deltaZ > threshold) ||
(deltaY > threshold && deltaZ > threshold))
//tfInfo.text = "dispatchShake";
dispatchEvent(new Event("shake"));
// Save acceleration data from this read
accX = event.accelerationX;
accY = event.accelerationY;
accZ = event.accelerationZ;
//tfInfo.text = "x: " + accX + " y: " + accY + " z: " + accZ;
* Handler for shake event
* @param event
function shakeHandler1(event:Event):void
var randomval:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*6);
trace("random integer between 0-5: "+randomval);
switch (randomval)
case 0:
tfInfo.text = " Drink ";
trace("the 0");
case 1:
tfInfo.text = " Take a shot ";
trace("the 1");
case 2:
tfInfo.text = " Give a shot ";
trace("the 2");
case 3:
tfInfo.text = " Truth or dare ";
trace("the 3");
case 5:
tfInfo.text = "Everybody drink";
trace("the 4");
case 5:
tfInfo.text = " Sing a song ";
trace("the 5");
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