now i being made application using flash, the application not running in web, just on desktop using flashplayer

i have apllication with two side, the admin site and the client side.
the client side can be display the XML data and for the admin side it can be edit the XML data.
i succeed loaded the XML data into client side, but i have problem and i can't find the tutorial to edit XML data for my admin side

this my screenshoot my admin side as.JPG

my XML data is simple for example :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<location>1ST floor</location>


first, if i choose list of combo box, in the text filed the XML data will be loaded,

and i can edit data XML in the texfield and then when i click button "update" the XML data will be changes...

i can't find the ways to do that. before, i want to ask, is possible to editing data XML using flash or not?
if can't do you have suggestion for save my data without using XML?

thanks for advice

best regards, gops