I made a game in adobe flash cs6 [AS3] and i am having a problem…

I just made a shooting game, in which , there is a turret , which faces towards the mouse..

The code for this if someone needs :-

function moveturret (e:Event)

aim.x = mouseX
aim.y = mouseY
var differenceX = mouseX – turret.x;
var differenceY = mouseY – turret.y;
var radianToDegrees = (Math.PI/180);
turret.rotation = Math.atan2(differenceY, differenceX)/radianToDegrees;

now, i made the thing that, whereever we click, a explosion appears.Every thing that touches the explosion will disapear.
So, the problem is that, the explosion does not disappear!!
Please help me with it….
The whole code is like this:-

import flash.events.Event;
import fl.motion.MotionEvent;

addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,moveturret);
var firegun:boom22 = new boom22();

function moveturret (e:Event)

aim.x = mouseX
aim.y = mouseY
var differenceX = mouseX – turret.x;
var differenceY = mouseY – turret.y;
var radianToDegrees = (Math.PI/180);
turret.rotation = Math.atan2(differenceY, differenceX)/radianToDegrees;


function fire (e:MouseEvent)

firegun.x = mouseX
firegun.y = mouseY
firegun.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeSelfWhenDone, false, 0, true);

// on every frame tick, check if last frame is reached, if so, remove it from it’s parent (which would be the stage)
function removeSelfWhenDone(inputEvent:Event):void {
var clip:MovieClip = (MovieClip) (inputEvent.target);
if(clip.currentFrame == clip.totalFrames){
// also remove the event listener (as it gets added again later)
clip.removeEventListner(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeSelfWhenDone, false, 0, true);

please help!!