Fighting game I made to promote a mobile game, Kung Fu Quest Survival!
Hi guys,
I just made a simple fighting/survival game here http://kungfuquest.iplayallday-studio.com/webgame.html
It's based on another mobile game as well, the beauty of it is that I've developed an engine that will allow me to export animations from flash to mobile, thus everything will run smooths on mobile devices just like a tween animation in Flash.
Let me know what you think and also feel free to share the game as it's intended to be shared as much as it can
Nice game.
I don't know whether you're aware of, but your site iplayallday seems to be infected. My anti-virus blocked access to your site because malwares.
Hey, I bookmarked your game site. It's cool! I have to adjust playing with the arrow keys and space tab.
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