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Thread: Feedback needed

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  1. #1
    President PhobiK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Feedback needed

    Hi guys! It's some time since I posted here.

    I need some help with your feedback for this game I've been working on for about two years. I made it shorter as I thought it'd be more suitable for the web. If you can give me your comments on it or any hint to make it better or let me know if it's good I'll GREATLY appreaciate it.

    Thanks in advance.

    Here's the link: Imbossible 2
    This is MC. His _parents sent him to stop() by the super market to buy some _root beer if he wanted to gotoAndPlay() with his friends at the park later.

    This is my Blog!... The gaming Process
    Please check out my site: Giddel Creations

  2. #2
    Senior Member realMakc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    "The game is not available at the moment"
    who is this? a word of friendly advice: FFS stop using AS2

  3. #3
    President PhobiK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Yes, sorry for that. As there was no feedback I wanted to remove the post/thread but I couldn't (or don't find how to), so I just removed the game. The reason to post it here was to have some feedback, but as I wasn't getting any I don't want it to be exposed for no reason, as it's an unreleased game.

    If anyone would kindly help me I can send a link via PM.
    This is MC. His _parents sent him to stop() by the super market to buy some _root beer if he wanted to gotoAndPlay() with his friends at the park later.

    This is my Blog!... The gaming Process
    Please check out my site: Giddel Creations

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