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Thread: [ASK] FLVPlayback Component doesn't work?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Unhappy [ASK] FLVPlayback Component doesn't work?

    I have a problem in using FLVPlayback Component. I have changed the parameter "contentPath" with the URL of my FLV video, but when I compiled it (Test Movie) or played the SWF file, nothing happen. The video can't be played.
    Is there any other parameter I have to change? Or, what should I do?
    I'm using Flash CS3 and AS2.
    Please help me, thanks.
    (Sorry for my English)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    It sounds like you are doing all the correct steps, If I were trying to trouble shoot this, I would ask:
    1) Are the publish settings pointing to the correct location? meaning is the video in the same place as your swf and skin?
    2) What video type are you trying to play? AS2 flash likes FLV or F4V, if you create AS3 you can use .mov or .mp4 NEVER use WMV
    3) Are you browsing to the content path or trying to manually type it?

    Also There is a difference between the components AS2 vs AS3 if you started the project as AS3 and switched to AS2 you may encounter problems.

    Good Luck!

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oh... I don't know if there is a difference when I switch between these AS in using the Components. Now maybe I have to replace the Components in AS2 with the new Components in AS3. Thanks for your advice, jkell. This is really help me.

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