Keyboard controlled menu (Dot Syntax)
I am designing an RPG in flash. I started with a turn based battle system, and I wanted to make a battle menu that can be controlled by the keyboard rather than the mouse. After many hours of work, I managed to make a system that works, but when I go to bring up the second menu (the menu used to choose the attacks) I honestly have no idea how to go about making flash move from the main menu to the submenu I added. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this very well, but does anyone have any ideas?
I moved away from tellTarget since that is depricated and replaced the entire code with dot syntax, but after a selection is made, I want it to move to the sub menu that will appear after the original selection is made and I'm still clueless as to how to make that happen.
SWF preview 2.JPG
menu (8).fla
feel free to edit any code you need to. I just need this to work
Prid - Outing
I was actually planning to help you with when you first asked this question a few months ago, but school got in the way and I never managed to have enough time to come up with a viable solution. It looks like you've already come up with good, though messy, solution, but hey, as long as it works for you it doesn't matter how you arrived to the solution 
After taking a look at your file, I think I've found what you did wrong. In the control movieclip (the red dot), on Frame 5 and 6, when referring to btn005 and btn006, you forgot that both of those buttons are inside another movieclip with the instance name altmenu1. So, change this:
to this:
and do that everywhere else in Frame 5 and 6. Doing that made it work for me to get inside the sub menu 
Hope this helps
I am back, guys ... and finally 18 :P
you are my god. Thank you sooooo much! I never thought it'd be something so simple!
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