send a message in pre game room with smartfox server
I'm trying to build a card game with smartfox server but I can't get past the waiting room which is a clip with the player names and another chat.
It's very difficult for me to explain so I'm posting my files if anyone wants to try it out. The extension needs to be placed in the smartfox server extensions' folder and the config file to run it needs to be modified as well. Adding a new zone named "botifarra" for the the extension plus a new room name (named Principal).
I can't seem to understand if a message can be sent from this waiting clip that pops up for the players to join before starting the game. It's another timeline, but I would have thought that messages can be sent from here. In fact the code I have placed in the send message button seems to send the message but I can't retrieve it.
Would anyone have faced a similar problem using smartfox server by any chance?
I would appreciate the help to solve this.
resolved. : _parent.smartfox.sendPublicMessage(input_txt.text) ; + placed the message handler inside the gamePaused function of the tris example
Last edited by capdetrons; 02-06-2014 at 04:19 PM.
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