How to addChild from an array of MC's based on e.target?
I have an array of 8 movie clips which can be dragged and dropped onto an MC that is their common hitObject.
I would like whichever mc is being dragged to be added as the child of the hitObject MC when it is dropped, however I am having troubles setting up the code.
Currently, I can only have one specific instance added as a child of the hitObject MC because I don't know what to write inside the addChild() parameter aside from a specific instance name (neither "e.target" nor the array name are acceptable).
Here's my code --any and all help will be most appreciated:
var redArray:Array = [red,red1,red2,red3,red4,red5,red6,red7];
function setupDrag(dragger:MovieClip, index:int, array:Array):void {
dragger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragRed);
function setupDrop(dropper:MovieClip, index:int, array:Array):void {
dropper.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropRed);
function dragRed(e:Event):void{
function dropRed(e:Event):void{
if (e.target.hitTestObject(drawer_mc))
drawer_mc.addChild(red1); // THIS LINE IS MY PROBLEM --WHAT TO REPLACE red1 WITH?
Thanks in advance!
After receiving a TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor, I found this thread which gave me what I needed to solve the problem of what to put in the addChild () parameters in order to have whatever e.target was being dragged be added as child.
Here's what I added to the if part of my code:
if (e.target.hitTestObject(drawer_mc))
var newObject:MovieClip = new e.currentTarget.constructor();
newObject.x = e.currentTarget.x;
newObject.y = e.currentTarget.y;
How to write a code in AS3, that places letters from library to stage by pressing keyboard. Alphabetic letters are symbols.
IF THERE ANY way to place letters on stage only once?
Thank you
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