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Thread: ActionScript 2.0-3.0 Compatibilty

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    ActionScript 2.0-3.0 Compatibilty

    I want to get Flash on my laptop. I was originally going to get only CS6 as it supports ActionScript 2.0 and CC doesn't. But I found out that I would need to pay $700 all at once to get the full version of CS6. CC has a much more affordable payment method: $20 a month. I figure if I would get CC, I could still use CS6 if I need to, using the serial number I would get from purchasing CC (it's possible to download CS6 for free, but it needs a serial number to install the full version instead of the trial version).

    I made some Flash games at school as part of a class using ActionScript 2.0 (school computers use CS5). I remember my teacher saying that there is some compatibility issues between ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0. Something like you can't copy-paste the artwork from a 2.0 project into a 3.0 project. So I was concerned if I could open the projects I made during that class in CC or not.

    So, my question is, would a Flash project created in CS5 ActionScript 2.0 open correctly in CC? I know for sure the code won't work, but I want to know if the artwork will be affected or not.

    If the answer is yes, that means I won't need CS6, but I'll have to redo the code (it shouldn't be too hard as it's just converting it from ActionScript 2.0 to 3.0). If the answer is no, I'll use CS6 to open those projects.

    Initially, I wanted to finish learning ActionScript 2.0, then move up to 3.0. But now, I think I'll learn just 3.0 instead, since I really want to use the Bone Tool in my projects and I barely learned anything in 2.0 (in the class, we were just handed the code; I learned some of the functions by studying that code). So all I need 2.0 for is opening my old projects; I can use CC for new projects since I'll be using 3.0 instead of 2.0.

  2. #2
    Developing For Dunkets mneil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Lincoln City
    I have not used CC but I'm going to assume you will be able to open the project in CC. However, you probably won't be able to save it back for CS5. Flash IDE has only supported saving the previous players projects going back to 5. So CS6 can save CS5 but not CS4. CS4 can save 3 but not 2. The project may or may not open correctly.... Hopefully someone on here has imported CS5 into CC?
    Text Effects | Bubbles | Dynamic Resize
    4 weeks , 20 papers ... thats 2 dollars .....Caassshhh!

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