Hi all !

I have created a row of textfields with each textfield having its own unique identification number. The total number of rows of textfields is 20 and when i displayed them on the stage, they did not fit on the screen. However I tried out the tab order and it was perfect. It ran down from 1 to 20 with no problems. However to keep all of them on the same screen I decided to split them up in two columns with 10 in each column. I managed to do that by changing the y offset of the field after the 10th field. Now however, when i tried the tab order it was correct for the first column but after the 10th ( last field in column 1 ) it went to the 18th textfield !?? the 2nd last textfield in the 2nd column.

I checked and printed the values of textfields tab order and they were correct. SO i do not know what's causing this issue.
Anyone has any ideas or faced a similar issue ever?

Thanks all !