How can I repair a damaged .DWG file?
A .DWG file was corrupted upon the unexpected switch off my PC.
I used to restore my AutoCAD file by using the commands RECOVER, RECOVERALL, AUDIT; but these commands didn’t help any with the file in question.
How can I attempt to repair it?
In that case, you may try third-party tools such as DataNumen DWG Recovery at http://www.datanumen.com/dwg-recovery/ . I used this tool in the past and it worked very well.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
 Originally Posted by ducharm39
A .DWG file was corrupted upon the unexpected switch off my PC.
I used to restore my AutoCAD file by using the commands RECOVER, RECOVERALL, AUDIT; but these commands didn’t help any with the file in question.
How can I attempt to repair it?
How to recover .dwg files, the answer might be here- http://www.filerepairforum.com/forum...ing-dwg-format
Another method which I usually attempt before looking for .bak files is to open a blank drawing and insert the corrupt one into it as a block. This often works and it is then a simple case of exploding the block, running the Audit command and saving the drawing.
Failing this, as others have said, try opening the drawing on another PC or try to open it with any other program capable of opening a dwg file.
DWG Viewer Tool as alternative and non-free solution for you
Here you may download it- http://www.dwg.viewertool.com/
AutoCAD recovery tool recover all your file objects from LINE, VERTEX, 3DFACE, POLYLINE(2D), DIMSTYLE control and many others. It repair the damaged file and also recovers temporary drawing files in case of disaster recovery. Get all your *DWG and DXF Files created using different versions of AutoCAD. It has support of Windows OS up to latest version windows 10. Try DWG Repair Tool for Free.
i am also interested to know this .....
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