Insert selected info to database
Hi guys. I'm sorry for asking I'm just running out of time.
So i'm trying to make something like this: http://www.bakedbymelissa.com/checko...erCreator.aspx
For now, I have this: stage.png
the square represents the cupcake base. the circles are movieclips too. The as layer has the code to tween what square appears. My problem is, if i click the circle beside chocolate, a text/string "chocolate" must be saved in a database field..same goes if the others are clicked but only one. Assuming there is a submit button. I use mysql. Can you show me how?
The code so far:
Hi guys I'm making something like this: [Cupcake Creator][1]
For now, I have this: ![window][2]
I'm going to put this in a php page. I have 4 squares and 4 circles.all movieclips.the flavors are just static texts.the as layer contains the code to tween what square should appear.that was solved in my previous question here.
Here's what I want to achieve:
If I click chocolate or vanilla, or any of those four, it should be saved in a database when the button submit is clicked(assuming there is already a button).I use mysql. I don't know how to get those strings I'm in a rush so i don't have time to try everything on google. Please help. noob here.
[1]: http://www.bakedbymelissa.com/checko...erCreator.aspx
[2]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/I6MLq.png
The as code so far:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
// to indicate the index of current active circle/square
var current:int = 0;
var fadeIn:Tween, fadeOut:Tween;
var thisCircle:MovieClip;
var thisSquare:MovieClip;
var circles:Array = new Array(circle1, circle2, circle3, circle4);
var squares:Array = new Array(square1, square2, square3, square4);
for(var i:Number = 0; i < circles.length; i++)
thisCircle = circles[i];
thisCircle.buttonMode = true;
thisCircle.id = i;
thisCircle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFadeIn);
// keep the first square as visible
if(i != current){
thisSquare = squares[i];
thisSquare.alpha = 0;
function doFadeIn(e:MouseEvent):void
// if our button is the active one, exit
if(current == e.currentTarget.id) return;
// fade out current square
fadeOut = new Tween(squares[current], "alpha", None.easeNone, 1, 0, 2.5, true);
// fade in the new active square
fadeIn = new Tween(squares[e.currentTarget.id], "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 2.5, true);
current = e.currentTarget.id;
Last edited by kite111; 12-21-2014 at 03:22 AM.
You will need to send the data to the php file and then process it to your database (that bit you say you can do ).
OK, with the structure you already have, add a clip named "submitButton" and a dynamic textField called "responseText".
flash code
PHP Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.net.URLVariables; import flash.net.URLRequestMethod; import flash.net.URLLoader; import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
// to indicate the index of current active circle/square var current:int = 0; var fadeIn:Tween,fadeOut:Tween;
var thisCircle:MovieClip; var thisSquare:MovieClip;
var circles:Array = new Array(circle1,circle2,circle3,circle4); var squares:Array = new Array(square1,square2,square3,square4); var choices:Array = new Array("Chocolate","Vanilla","Mocha","Caramel");
// ** stuff for send and load vars var phpPath:String = "phpfile.php";
var chosenType:String; var sendVars:URLVariables; var sendRequest:URLRequest; var sendLoader:URLLoader;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < circles.length; i++) { thisCircle = circles[i]; thisCircle.buttonMode = true; thisCircle.id = i; thisCircle.value = choices[i]; thisCircle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFadeIn);
// keep the first square as visible; if (i != current) { thisSquare = squares[i]; thisSquare.alpha = 0; } }
function doFadeIn(e:MouseEvent):void { chosenType = e.currentTarget.value; trace(chosenType);
// if our button is the active one, exit if (current == e.currentTarget.id) { return; }
// fade out current square fadeOut = new Tween(squares[current],"alpha",None.easeNone,1,0,2.5,true);
// fade in the new active square fadeIn = new Tween(squares[e.currentTarget.id],"alpha",None.easeNone,0,1,2.5,true);
current = e.currentTarget.id; }
submitButton.buttonMode = true; submitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendSelected);
function sendSelected(e:MouseEvent):void { if (chosenType) { sendLoadData(); responseText.text = "You have chosen " + chosenType; trace("Please select a flavour"); } else { responseText.text = "Please select a flavour"; trace("Please select a flavour"); } }
function sendLoadData():void { sendVars = new URLVariables(); sendVars.choice = chosenType;
sendRequest = new URLRequest(phpPath); sendRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; sendRequest.data = sendVars;
sendLoader = new URLLoader(); sendLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; sendLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,sendSuccess); sendLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sendFailed); sendLoader.load(sendRequest); }
function sendSuccess(e:Event):void { responseText.text = e.target.data.phpReply; sendLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,sendSuccess); sendLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sendFailed); }
function sendFailed(e:Event):void { sendLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sendFailed); trace("Something went wrong!!!"); }
php code -( phpfile.php ) in this example
PHP Code:
//Variables received from ActionScript $userChoice = $_POST['choice'];
//Check sent data then spit out reply. if ($userChoice != "") { $replyMessage = "You sent ".$userChoice." to the php file"; $sendReply = "phpReply="; $sendReply .= rawurlencode($replyMessage); echo $sendReply; // do you mysql stuff etc etc... } else { $replyMessage = "You never sent anything to the php file"; $sendReply = "phpReply="; $sendReply .= rawurlencode($replyMessage); echo $sendReply; }
you will need to use your home server (wamp, xamp) or put it online to test it properly as it will not work directly inside of flash gui.
Of course all names and vars can be changed to whatever you desire once you have it working and feel competent with it all.
Ok so I fixed the structure.Hope you can guide me sir.
It now looks like this:
currrent AS:
PHP Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
// to indicate the index of current active movieclip
var currentCake:int = 0;
var currentFrost:int = 0;
var currentTopping:int = 0;
var fadeIn:Tween, fadeOut:Tween;
var thisCake:MovieClip; // "button"/mc pink circle on the right
var thisBase:MovieClip; // base mismo ng cake on the left
var thisFrost:MovieClip; // "button"/mc pink circle on the right
var thisFrosting:MovieClip; // frosting mismo ng cake on the left
var thisTop:MovieClip; // "button"/mc pink circle on the right
var thisTopping:MovieClip; // toppings on the left
var thisNone:MovieClip; // "button"/mc pink circle on the right
var cakebtn:Array = new Array(chocob, vanillab, mochab, caramelb); // pink circle
var cake:Array = new Array(bChoco, bVanilla, bMocha, bCaramel); //the cake mc on the left
var frostbtn:Array = new Array(chocof, vanillaf, bubblegumf, strawberryf); // pink circle
var frosting:Array = new Array(fChoco, fVanilla, fBubblegum, fStrawberry); //the cake mc on the left
var toppingbtn:Array = new Array(chocot, whitechocot, blacknwhitet, chilit, nonet); /pink circle
var topping:Array = new Array(tChoco, tWhiteChoco, tBlackNWhite, tChili, tNone); //the toppings mc on the left
for(var i:Number = 0; i < cakebtn.length; i++)
thisCake = cakebtn[i];
thisCake.buttonMode = true;
thisCake.id = i;
thisCake.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFadeIn);
// keep the first cake base as visible
if(i != currentCake){
thisBase = cake[i];
thisBase.alpha = 0;
function doFadeIn(e:MouseEvent):void
// if our button is the active one, exit
if(currentCake == e.currentTarget.id) return;
// fade out current cake
fadeOut = new Tween(cake[currentCake], "alpha", None.easeNone, 1, 0, 2.5, true);
// fade in the new active cake
fadeIn = new Tween(cake[e.currentTarget.id], "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 2.5, true);
currentCake = e.currentTarget.id;
for(var j:Number = 0; j < cakebtn.length; j++)
thisFrost = frostbtn[j];
thisFrost.buttonMode = true;
thisFrost.id = j;
thisFrost.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFadeInFrost);
// keep the first frosting as visible
if(j != currentFrost){
thisFrosting = frosting[j];
thisFrosting.alpha = 0;
function doFadeInFrost(e:MouseEvent):void
// if our button is the active one, exit
if(currentFrost == e.currentTarget.id) return;
// fade out current frosting
fadeOut = new Tween(frosting[currentFrost], "alpha", None.easeNone, 1, 0, 2.5, true);
// fade in the new active frosting
fadeIn = new Tween(frosting[e.currentTarget.id], "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 2.5, true);
currentFrost = e.currentTarget.id;
for(var k:Number = 0; k < toppingbtn.length; k++)
thisTop = toppingbtn[k];
thisTop.buttonMode = true;
thisTop.id = k;
thisTop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFadeInTopping);
// keep the first topping as visible
if(k != currentTopping){
thisTopping = topping[k];
thisTopping.alpha = 0;
function doFadeInTopping(e:MouseEvent):void
// if our button is the active one, exit
if(currentTopping == e.currentTarget.id) return;
// fade out current topping
fadeOut = new Tween(topping[currentTopping], "alpha", None.easeNone, 1, 0, 2.5, true);
// fade in the new active topping
fadeIn = new Tween(topping[e.currentTarget.id], "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 2.5, true);
currentTopping = e.currentTarget.id;
all are MCs. I added a button btnSubmit. What do I do next?
Last edited by kite111; 12-22-2014 at 10:19 AM.
I kind of gave you the way to do it in the last post, I am definitely not going to try and recreate your file amd graphics, I don't have that time.
I'm sorry, I wasn't making you do it from the start. Descriptions will do.
Anyway, I'm going back to basic, just the circle and squares. I'll try it first to understand the whole process on how to do it.
I added the dynamic text and submit button.Did I do it right?
Though I don't quite understand this part with the database stuff.
PHP Code:
//Variables received from ActionScript
$userChoice = $_POST['choice'];
//Check sent data then spit out reply.
if ($userChoice != "")
$replyMessage = "You sent ".$userChoice." to the php file";
$sendReply = "phpReply=";
$sendReply .= rawurlencode($replyMessage);
echo $sendReply;
// do you mysql stuff etc etc...
$replyMessage = "You never sent anything to the php file";
$sendReply = "phpReply=";
$sendReply .= rawurlencode($replyMessage);
echo $sendReply;
That part is not mysql, that part is simple php checking for what data flash sent to it and then responding accordingly.
The var $userChoice ( derived from the flash var of sendVars.choice = chosenType;)
is the part you would send to the database if all criteria was met.
As I say before, you ned to have a home server installed ( wamp, xamp, or other )or actually put it online somewhere for you to test this stuff properly, it simply will not work correctly inside of flash ( the php and mysql part that is ).
I put in the phpfile page. It's giving this error and nothing happens aside from the tweening stuff.
this is line 32
$userChoice = $_POST['choice'];
I'm not sure what you might have incorrectly done.
Attachment 75201
actuall you need to make the html file and only target the php from within flash.
try opening localhost/MCC/cake.swf ( or whatever you called the swf ) and see the outcome, the php file need never be accessed directly through the browser
check the browser address of my image
Last edited by fruitbeard; 12-23-2014 at 02:34 AM.
Thanks. The error is gone. The problem was i put everything on phpfile.php. I separated the swf in a html file. But i don't know why the text isn't appearing when i click submit. >.<
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