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Thread: Why would ai and pdf files instantly disappear on My Book external Drive

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Why would ai and pdf files instantly disappear on My Book external Drive

    Please Help! I had been working on an illustrator file for 2 weeks and had it saved in my Mybook as a PDF and illustrator file. I went to email it but at 49 Meg it was too big to attach to my email. I tried saving it as a .eps and my computer completely froze so I had to restart the system. When I fired back up the shortcuts for my files were there but the originals are gone. I ran diagnostics, nothing. I tried to do a system restore, nothing. I tried to do a file recovery on one of the free trials, nothing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    It is also possible this information will be of interest to you.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I am very grateful for your advice. Thank you very much! The issue has been resolved.)

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