Why am I'm asking if my AC2 is glitched? First here is the code I'm using, I am following these video guides to a T (only changes are the character names).


The AS:

Son.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(Shad.Shad Punch1.pad.hitTest(this) && !p2hit){
this.gotoAndStop("Son Hit 1");
} else if(!p2hit){
this.gotoAndStop("Son Idle");
And now, the error message:

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=actions, frame=21:Line 30: ')' expected
if(Shad.Shad Punch1.pad.hitTest(this) && !p2hit){

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=actions, frame=21:Line 32: Unexpected '}' encountered
} else if(!p2hit){

Total ActionScript Errors: 2 Reported Errors: 2
Note it says "')' expected" and "Unexpected '}'", also if I remove the } it then says "'else' encountered without matching 'if'"

....Isn't the errors it's telling me, are they even errors? Else does have the "if" and know the other one is wrong as well. It's not telling me "what" is wrong, but when I fix it I get 2 more errors and have to add them back. So what is doing on and why won't this work?

If you need too, here's the script in full so far. I'm really puzzled as it really seems like the error message is backwards, telling me this is a error but it's not, it's suppose to be that way and when I try to fix it gives me more errors which "are" errors because the previous ones aren't even errors at all....are they?

walkSpeed = 5;
shadAttack = false;
Shad.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (Key.isDown(80) && !shadAttack && !jumping) {
this.gotoAndStop("Shad Punch1");
} else if (Key.isDown(75) && !shadAttack && !jumping) {
this.gotoAndStop("Shad Kick1");
} else if (Key.isDown(76) && !shadAttack && !jumping) {
this.gotoAndStop("Shad Kick2");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && !jumping && !shadAttack) {
this.gotoAndStop("Shad Jump");
jumping = true;
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && !jumping && !shadAttack) {
Shad._xscale = -100;
this._x -= walkSpeed;
this.gotoAndStop("Shad Walk");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && !jumping && !shadAttack) {
Shad._xscale = 100;
this._x += walkSpeed;
this.gotoAndStop("Shad Walk");
} else if (!shadAttack && !jumping) {
this.gotoAndStop("Shad Idle");

Son.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(Shad.Shad Punch1.pad.hitTest(this) && !p2hit){
this.gotoAndStop("Son Hit 1");
} else if(!p2hit){
this.gotoAndStop("Son Idle");