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Thread: 16 years later...

  1. #1
    supervillain gerbick's Avatar
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    Jul 2000

    16 years later...

    Wow. In a few days, I will have celebrated 16 years here. Some others before me have already done so. Funny how something that started out as a hobby, became part of my livelihood and helped me segue into other areas of my professional life... and it all started here for the most part.

    It led to a few books, one I was actually listed as a co-author and many others as a unlisted technical writer; made many connections and a few long-lasting friendships and audiences with companies that I'd never thought would heed a word that I had to say to long-standing projects (found out one project I did in 2010 is still in use today!) that have included members that were far smarter than I ever could have been to resolve and complete those aforementioned projects.

    16 friggin' years... wow. Anyway, thought I'd share while reminiscing and in anticipation of my 16th year anniversary. Wow indeed.

    [ Hello ] | [ gerbick ] | [ Ω ]

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Jul 2016
    This is random25.
    I've been here since 02.
    Upon trying to log in today I am told my password is incorrect.
    It has not changed in all these years and I no longer have access to the email address I used.

  3. #3
    Senior Member random25's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    Alright, got that straightened out.
    It's awesome that this place is still here.
    I'm always afraid these forums will go away and a huge resource will be lost.
    I just started teaching my daughter how to use flash for animation last weekend.

    If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. Carl Sagan

  4. #4
    HUH? pea3698's Avatar
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    Greenville SC
    Quote Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
    Wow. In a few days, I will have celebrated 16 years here. Some others before me have already done so. Funny how something that started out as a hobby, became part of my livelihood and helped me segue into other areas of my professional life... and it all started here for the most part.

    It led to a few books, one I was actually listed as a co-author and many others as a unlisted technical writer; made many connections and a few long-lasting friendships and audiences with companies that I'd never thought would heed a word that I had to say to long-standing projects (found out one project I did in 2010 is still in use today!) that have included members that were far smarter than I ever could have been to resolve and complete those aforementioned projects.

    16 friggin' years... wow. Anyway, thought I'd share while reminiscing and in anticipation of my 16th year anniversary. Wow indeed.
    Congrats Man! I'm just glad I survived the past 15 years lol.

    And for the record, you were a huge part of the start of my professional career. And, though I may not even look at Flash anymore, it helped mold me into who I am now. And . . . . this site obviously impacted me in a big way, why else would I keep checking in here randomly when I don't even use the technology anymore.

    Sometimes we are the windshield. . . But, most of the time, we are just the bug. (c;
    My cycling themed designs Pats Design Portfolio

  5. #5
    wow, congratz on 16 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by pea3698 View Post
    this site obviously impacted me in a big way, why else would I keep checking in here randomly when I don't even use the technology anymore.
    I'm the same way about checking this site.

    I joined 13 years ago and was probably one of the top lurkers. Flash community including this site helped me so much as a college student and flash developer in the real world for 4-5 years. Personally or professionaly have not touched flash since 2010-2011 and now I'm a full time front end developer. As a college student I would of never thought I would lose my hair and Flash become a thing of the past, but both happened really fast.

    Does anybody know what happened to 2advanced? From the looks of it, the one time legend has shut down quietly.

  6. #6
    Senior Moderator
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    Pope de Flash's Avatar
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    It's good to see some of the people still here that were a part of the first wave here at FlashKit. It's hard to believe that it will be 20 years this November that Macromedia acquired "Future Splash" and Flash made its first appearance. 20 years is a very long time for any product to lead in the industry. While the last few years it has not exactly enjoyed the fame it once did and is heckled by some, they forget where we came from, what Flash allowed you to do when NOTHING else could, and mostly all that Flash and this community has done for our industry. Guys like gerbick have kept the home fires burning. While I helped to found this place and poured crazy hours into it and the people on these boards its the steady hands like gerbick who have kept this place going. Thank you for keeping the dream alive this long. No other product has offered so many innovations and have directly seeded the future and still influences what is expected in user experience, user interface. Flash was the great experiment and FlashKit was its open campus lab. Thank you again to all the guys and girls like gerbick who keep the old machine going!!
    Last edited by Pope de Flash; 08-10-2016 at 04:28 PM.
    Macromedians 1:1

    In the beginning the web was without shape and color, and the hype covered the darkness of the net. Then there was a Flash and life came to the web and vision became reality.

    Footer... We dont need no Stinking Footers!!!!

  7. #7
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    Anybody remember the '11 year old flasher' eaglevision? That's me. I turned 20 last month.

  8. #8
    Dignitary rynoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pope de Flash View Post
    It's good to see some of the people still here that were a part of the first wave here at FlashKit. It's hard to believe that it will be 20 years this November that Macromedia acquired "Future Splash" and Flash made its first appearance. 20 years is a very long time for any product to lead in the industry. While the last few years it has not exactly enjoyed the fame it once did and is heckled by some, they forget where we came from, what Flash allowed you to do when NOTHING else could, and mostly all that Flash and this community has done for our industry. Guys like gerbick have kept the home fires burning. While I helped to found this place and poured crazy hours into it and the people on these boards its the steady hands like gerbick who have kept this place going. Thank you for keeping the dream alive this long. No other product has offered so many innovations and have directly seeded the future and still influences what is expected in user experience, user interface. Flash was the great experiment and FlashKit was its open campus lab. Thank you again to all the guys and girls like gerbick who keep the old machine going!!
    I can't believe it goes on. It's called Animate now, we will see.

  9. #9
    Character Animator The_e-Tahn's Avatar
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    cube #45, calarts
    Wow dude! I'm happy to see you're still around here and that the forum is... still alive!
    Two days ago I found out another online community I'd been in had been shut down/rebooted; what a rush of nostalgia that was.
    Apparently I joined 14 years ago. (!!!!) I met one of my closest friends on these forums and we eventually met (I'm from California and he's in New Zealand). You guys were immensely helpful with being a cool community to share interactive art with (which is still something I'm very interested in, just on a grander scale). It's neat hearing that our explorations on FK eventually led to related careers! (I'm an animator at a social media company, surprise surprise!) Glad to hear you're doing well, Gerbs

  10. #10
    Senior Member RazoRmedia's Avatar
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    <- how long?
    Living the dream

  11. #11
    Junior Member tranvankhuong's Avatar
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    01 thong nhat - dong hoi
    It is amazing. but thank for share

  12. #12
    poet and narcisist argonauta's Avatar
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    Under the bed
    it'll be 16 years for me in november. I still build flash/air apps from time to time for a client (who I met in these forums), although we're migrating to Unity3D. I also tried submitting an air app to the macOS store, rejected, so I rewrote it in Swift

    I hope everyone is doing great!!!
    my blog: blog.innocuo
    Sponsored by your mom.

  13. #13
    Senior Member realMakc's Avatar
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    tried submitting an air app to the macOS store, rejected
    what reason though
    who is this? a word of friendly advice: FFS stop using AS2

  14. #14
    poet and narcisist argonauta's Avatar
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    Under the bed
    Quote Originally Posted by realMakc View Post
    what reason though
    You have to follow their Human Interface Guidelines. My app didn't have a title bar with close/minimize buttons.

    The app is easy and small (little notepad for quick notes), so I decided to redo it in Swift as a learning experience. They rejected it like 5 more times for not following this or that guidelines. It was frustrating, but honestly, it was a great learning experience.
    my blog: blog.innocuo
    Sponsored by your mom.

  15. #15
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Can I see app

  16. #16
    Junior Member
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    Check in.... 17 years later.

  17. #17
    supervillain gerbick's Avatar
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    Jul 2000
    Seventeen years indeed.

    [ Hello ] | [ gerbick ] | [ Ω ]

  18. #18
    Huygens to Titan PCRIDE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
    Wow. In a few days, I will have celebrated 16 years here....
    Yea crazy isn't it!! I got my account recovered and haven't visited for a while but check back every now and again. It's crazy how far the internet has come and how HTML 5 has taken over most "intros" , I need to create a flash intro page so my users can watch it then press enter site!! Those were the days!!! Diggin through all my IE favorites seeing If any of the flash sites are still up!! Remember hoogerBrudge or something like that,,, the site is all sorts of crazy now...

    I learned it all here as well from most of you, so thank you!!! My skills starting here had a tremendous influence on where I am today with my career. Just passed my Net + yesterday! Into IT more than anything today.

    The most common post
    "How do I make a loading bar" LOL!!!

    Good to see y'all still here!!!
    All out of Honey Buffers, so i grabed a few Goose Heads

  19. #19
    GAME ON!!!! megatoon's Avatar
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    The Lonely End of the Rink
    Wow! I'm surprised this place is still here. I think I show up once a year when I get me birthday email.

    This place brings back a lot of memories. All that time I killed in with CNO & xup787 in the Animation Forums, & trolling around the were-here battles. Sorta miss that blinding orange tho.

    It's nice to see some familiar names keeping this place going. Very sorry to here about Davids passing RIP man
    Wash My Dirty Mouth

  20. #20
    say no more loydall's Avatar
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    Feb 2001

    16 years later. Forgot this place existed (sort of).

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