Hi all,
First off my project is working fine as is and this issue is arising only because I wish to shift my swf and HTML / (php ) file generated by the program to a directory outside the root directory so that they may not be directly accessible.
For the settings which work just great, my directory structure specified in the published files is as follows:
For SWF files : D:/xampp/htdocs/xampp/projectout/movie/test.swf
For HTML files : D:/xampp/htdocs/xampp/projectout/php/test.html
projectout is the public folder of my project. So with this settings all is good. (there is something which is puzzling and that is that when I run my project in flash to compile it - it won't run in that environment of-course -it gives an error which is "Error opening URL 'file:///D|/xampp/htdocs/xampp/projectout/movie/php/test.php' ". I do not understand how this path is generated. A comparison with the published settings shows something is amiss.)
But this is in fact correct when it comes to the web project, because that works fine. In fact if i try and rectify this path and change it to anything else, my project does not work. So that was a puzzle.
Back to the actual issue, I want my swf and html files to be in another folder. The heirarchy of my directory path is below:
Public folder |
-- movie |
Private folder |
-- movie |
My published files are therefore now as follows:
For SWF files : D:/xampp/htdocs/xampp/Projectinn/movie/test.swf
For HTML files : D:/xampp/htdocs/xampp/Projectinn/php/test.html
test.html generates the movie object which is as below:-
HTML Code:
object classid="clsid:d27cdd6p-...
param name="movie" value="../movie/Gig.swf"
embed src="../movie/Gig.swf" ...
As can be seen
HTML Code:
param name="movie" value="../movie/Gig.swf"
HTML Code:
embed src="../movie/Gig.swf"
the object searches for the swf (using a relative path from the php folder in projectinn) at the embedded path but fails since the HTML is itself embedded in index.php in the projectout folder. So I changed the embedded path to <../projectinn/movie/test.swf ...>. This caused the movie to be detected but freeze at the first frame. It does not go any further. I have no idea what to do to make this movie run now.
I hope I have been able to explain the issue simply and accurately enough for someone (- some gurus!! -) to try and help me with this and suggest a way out of this.
Thanks all & kind regards !