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Thread: Even during the times when actual live users here are rare sight...

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  1. #1
    Senior Member realMakc's Avatar
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    Oct 2002

    Angry Even during the times when actual live users here are rare sight...

    ...the only thing you care about is $. The guy makes free stuff. Shares with us. Not a spammer or anything, he does post by hand, reads the responses and replies back. And you shut him down because he does not pay for posting. The way I see it, when you have no users here, you should be paying us for creating the content here, not the other way around. It's your site, you are free to run it the way you want, but stuff like this makes me want to close the tab and never go back.
    who is this? a word of friendly advice: FFS stop using AS2

  2. #2
    Member brad jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    There are a lot of other companies/people offering free demos and free resources along with the ones they sell. Moderating the noisy ones from the ones that are altruistic is a tough job. It is hard to tell the spammy ones that they can't post when we have another site that has been posting regularly.

    It is post like:

    The answer is yes...and at very low cost...(people are usually surprised when they find out how affordable it is.)
    That cause threads like this to flagged.

    You can comment that Eric is helpful, but his only posts are in his thread. Had he been active outside of driving traffic to his own site in one thread, then a different decision might have been made.

    ...the only thing you care about is $.
    Making money is not the only thing, but this site is ran by a business, so if they don't make money, then the forum goes away.

    Let me end this post by saying I hear you.
    I'll talk to the mod team about possibly setting up a new forum area for free resource links. This will make it easier to funnel the spam instead of having to manage every piece of it.


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