Client Software Programmer
oh you are talking about having them both scroll at the same time, like a thread for each?
by the way check out this new iso tile loader, this one has to be the most efficient one yet, and it actually runs pretty smooth fullscreen when not recording, it basically just brings random items into the map, but that's just to stress test it out abit, and loading the tiles like this took more time than the other method which isn't very resourceful of the old one.
Client Software Programmer
I shall not pass comment again on your matters until we see some working examples of your game and website.
Seems to be taking an awful long time just going round in circles.
Have a nice day x
Client Software Programmer
:/ alright I would have had something better up if the cell phone market with 1,000,000 downloads for 2d games didn't distract me... I was playing that space game on your site while listening to track 13 pretty cool, I think its the trip and hey you even added new X buttons it looks slightly blurrier on the x but looks way cleaner.
And I just like adding update videos with music who wouldn't enjoy that except you:
Client Software Programmer
fruit that shooting game on your sites fun for a few moments, it would be cool to implement the paypal api and make it like 0.25 cents to start the game even if paypal takes away 30 cents or less if the transactions a quarter, maybe if you make a few sales it gives you a portion since its 30 cents is removed just for the dollar, that api is fun, you just collect the ipn's it sends your server and check if its paid or transaction reversed.
Client Software Programmer
this is the adobe air server script you can host if you forward port 7777,you can probably take from that script to make it work for you if you read it abit and start the right functions.
PHP Code:
import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.ProgressEvent; import flash.events.ServerSocketConnectEvent; import flash.net.ServerSocket; import flash.net.Socket; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.net.FileReference; import flash.filesystem.File; import flash.filesystem.FileMode; import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
var serverSocket:ServerSocket = new ServerSocket(); var clientSocket:Socket; var clientObject = {}; var pid:Number=0; var _function:String; var completeString:String; var parsedString:String;
var fr:FileReference = new FileReference(); var FileName:URLLoader; var f:File = new File(); var fs:FileStream;
var fr2:FileReference = new FileReference(); var FileName2:URLLoader; var f2:File = new File(); var fs2:FileStream; var memberPackages=["001",28,"Digital Goods 001",31,"Digital Goods 002",93,"Digital Goods 003",365]; function register_account(a,b){ if(a!=undefined&&b!=undefined){ FileName=new URLLoader(); f=File.documentsDirectory; f=f.resolvePath("storage_lock/paypal/"+a+".txt"); if(f.exists){ if(b.split("mc_gross=")[1].split('.')[0]=="-0"&&f.size!=0){ fs = new FileStream(); fs.open(f, FileMode.WRITE); fs.writeUTFBytes(""); fs.close(); trace("negative"); MovieClip(root.parent).modify_membership_for(memberPackages[memberPackages.indexOf(b.split("item_number=")[1].split("~")[0])+1],b.split("custom=")[1].split("~")[0],true) } }else{ fs = new FileStream(); fs.open(f, FileMode.WRITE); fs.writeUTFBytes(b); fs.close(); if(b.split("custom=")[1].split("~")[0]!=b){ MovieClip(root.parent).modify_membership_for(memberPackages[memberPackages.indexOf(b.split("item_number=")[1].split("~")[0])+1],b.split("custom=")[1].split("~")[0],false) } } //do something at end? }else{ } }
function load_new_player(a,b){ trace("Current port set"); currentPort=a; bind(); } var generatedNumber:String; function randomRange(minNum:Number,maxNum:Number):Number{ return (Math.floor(Math.random()*(maxNum - minNum + 1))+minNum); }
function onConnection(e:ServerSocketConnectEvent){ pid++; clientSocket = e.socket; clientSocket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, onClientSocketData); clientObject[(clientSocket.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(clientSocket.remotePort).toString()] = {"pid":pid, connection:e.socket, "msg_num":0,paypal_vars:""}; log("in connected" + pid + (clientSocket.remoteAddress).toString() + "_" +(clientSocket.remotePort).toString()); }
var msg_num:Number=0; var nullByte:String=""; var temp_name=""; var error_log=""; var ipn_vars:Array =new Array(); var _functionList = {"name":null,"register":null,"path":null,"tokens2":null,"mapsize":null,"loadmap":null}; function onClientSocketData(e:ProgressEvent){ clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].msg_num++; var buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var temp_Bytes:ByteArray= new ByteArray(); e.currentTarget.readBytes(buffer, 0, e.currentTarget.bytesAvailable); try{ completeString = buffer.toString(); for(var bu=0;bu<completeString.toString().split(nullByte).length;bu++){ parsedString=completeString.toString().split(nullByte)[bu];
if((e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()==""){ _function = parsedString.toString().split(";")[0]; ipn_vars=[]; _function=_function.toString().split("\n")[_function.toString().split("\n").length-1]; ipn_vars=_function.toString().split("&");
for(var i=0;i<ipn_vars.length;i++){ clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars+=ipn_vars[i]+'~'; } if(clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars.split("parent_txn_id=")[1]!=undefined){ register_account(clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars.split("parent_txn_id=")[1].split('~')[0]+"_"+clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars.split("first_name=")[1].split('~')[0],clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars); }else{ register_account(clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars.split("txn_id=")[1].split('~')[0]+"_"+clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars.split("first_name=")[1].split('~')[0],clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].paypal_vars); } clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].connection.writeUTFBytes("http 200" + nullByte); clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].connection.flush(); }
} }catch(e:Error){ }
if((e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()==""){ trace("closed"); e.currentTarget.flush(); delete clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()]; e.currentTarget.close(); }
if(msg_num==0){ trace("null byte ready"); nullByte=buffer.toString(); msg_num++; socket.close(); MovieClip(root.parent).serverReply("Hey how do you do, I have opened port: " + "*"+currentPort+"*" + " for you."); } if(_functionList[_function] != null){ log("out end " + clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()].pid); delete clientObject[(e.currentTarget.remoteAddress).toString()+":"+(e.currentTarget.remotePort).toString()]; e.currentTarget.close(); } }
var socket:XMLSocket; var currentPort:Number=7777; function bind(){ if(serverSocket.bound){ serverSocket.close(); serverSocket = new ServerSocket(); } serverSocket.bind(currentPort); serverSocket.addEventListener(ServerSocketConnectEvent.CONNECT, onConnection); serverSocket.listen(); log("socket ready @: " + serverSocket.localAddress + ":" + serverSocket.localPort); //null byte creator// socket = new XMLSocket(); socket.connect("",currentPort);// socket.send(""); }
function broadcast(a){ for(var od in clientObject){ if(clientObject[od].msg_num > 2 && clientObject[od].connection.connected){ trace("broadcasting " +a); clientObject[od].connection.writeUTFBytes(a + nullByte); clientObject[od].connection.flush(); } } }
function log(a){ trace(a); }
Not interested in trying to make any monies from my site.
The game was just something to try and give the site some content.
The game is frankly not good enough. Just a 10 minute shoot. If that.
I'm not sure why you post all those things you have considering the original post was about your fling thing.
I'm not really into the adobe air thing. I do quite like Ajax and jQuery though.
You can actually view my site via mobile if you just want radio. Same address..
Client Software Programmer
Nice, but for experimental purposes you should try it, and just add a false Boolean to make it free if it sounds like its asking for to much.
Anyways I featured a day view video of your site just to have some content up on my other channel
Very interesting alloy. Perhaps you should spend more time doing your site and perfecting your awesome split functions.
Considering you made and displayed the lovely video i think its only fair that people can see and visit yours too.
Client Software Programmer
Client Software Programmer
You gave me the same joystick from the game on your site didn't you:
Client Software Programmer
didn't even give you credit sold nothing though so I delted it :P
You mean the oned you robbed. I don't mind though, pilfer what you like.
I think you ruined the look of them though as they were meant to look like the old sit down space invader controls.
You took away the central pivot bar too and yours only move left and right. But hey ho.
I had seen that video or one just like it some time ago.
Would you really have paid for that?
Client Software Programmer
Yeah you had the redraw stick I removed, I guess it could be better, but the bullet holes were tough and its full 3d except the things are 2d cause the depth is still w.e you can turn around and stuff...
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