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Thread: Can Animation effects be drag-dropped like layers?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Can Animation effects be drag-dropped like layers?

    I am building a mobile app, it's basically a text adventure with hundreds of images and branching conversation trees. I intended to add simple animation, for example, a sparkle that could be added to a characters smile or a diamond ring, but creating animation is all new to me. Is adding this type of animation like adding another layer? you just drag, center and drop it? If so, are some basic animations already available? I was actually thinking about getting a freelancer to cook up some some animations, but I need to know if they are portable and reusable components. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lurky View Post
    I am building a mobile app, it's basically a text adventure with hundreds of images and branching conversation trees. I intended to add simple animation, for example, a sparkle that could be added to a characters smile or a diamond ring, but creating animation is all new to me. Is adding this type of animation like adding another layer? you just drag, center and drop it? If so, are some basic animations already available? I was actually thinking about getting a freelancer to cook up some some animations, but I need to know if they are portable and reusable components. Thanks!


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