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Thread: [RESOLVED] clone an app from ios or android

  1. #1
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2011

    resolved [RESOLVED] clone an app from ios or android

    Who wants to clone an app like snapchat or instagram by writing it in adobe air and than we release the code free.

    What is going to happen basically is it will act the same as the app, each of these applications basically show a very tiny hint that they can be on your phone without the full screen by covering the softkeys alittle bit to show they have it, like facebook messenger has the bubble to escape it, we can't get that if they see we copy them and they will go frameless.

    IDK im bored and feel capable of making either snapchat or instagram clone in a week.

    comment an app to clone...

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2018
    Make a Facebook Messenger clone

  3. #3
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    on my 20 second booting portable swf operating system that's totally possible.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    British Colombia
    How safe is it to use a clone app?
    I prefer Snapchat please, I would love to give it a try.

  5. #5
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    well if I script it, basically I get all of the snapchat data instead of the snapchat team because it would run through my server so how safe it is depends if I would want to do something bad to your phone like delete all of your storage or not. Would I host it for more than a day? no I won't let you leach of my bandwidth first of all unless im getting paid, why would they do it free? I don't know but they will probably kill you afterwards if you don't pay them, you can hook up a sentry gun to that facial tracker and kill everyone around you xD

  6. #6
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    but not doing requests anymore this threads old, I was in the mood just the week I posted this thread.

  7. #7
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Well I decided to do some more, source in video desc:

  8. #8
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    New as3 snapchat clone update: 13.9.

    the as3 pixel tracker uses the android camera and detects the corners of white objects (or any color) to create 4 nodes

    source code to as3 air project: here

  9. #9
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    The new update 14.5 of as3 air pixel tracker can count the number of objects on the android video camera, I used a* pathfinding algorithm to distinguish between as many objects on camera, I have a crash issue in the a* nodes though so I will show screen shots, source file and fix when I get chance.

    14.5.fla source: download
    Last edited by AS3.0; 08-06-2020 at 01:27 AM.

  10. #10
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Here is the as3 android pixel tracker in action:
    as3 source: download (14.5 unstable)

  11. #11
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Animate 2020 AS3_AIR pixel tracker:

    source FLA (14.9 stable): download

    mirror download (14.9 stable): download

    Bug fixes from 14.5 (stackoverflow): When a tracked object was too small the a* algorithm couldnt expand so it would get stuck in a while loop and overflow the stack.

    skip to 1:35 if you just want to see the working program:

    source for this project is free and always will be.
    Last edited by AS3.0; 08-10-2020 at 09:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Pixel Tracker Add-ON
    New color calculator to scan bitmaps: various color shades, simplified into one color name.
    source FLA (0.3): download
    mirror download (0.3): download
    Bugs: Black, White, Red need to be fixed, also more missing shades will be detected in future versions.

    It is a fast and efficient script as possible

    Last edited by AS3.0; 08-13-2020 at 08:15 PM.

  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    Please make an instagram clone

  14. #14
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AkhilAggarwal7 View Post
    Please make an instagram clone
    I already made a version 4 clone of instagram: Actionscript 3.0 Source

    Just ask me for more feaures to add, thats as far as I wanted to take it when it was at 0 feedback.

    I know they added face tracking so I thought out a system to track faces that I have not implemented yet.

    Basically my plan is to just limit the colors the selfie camera will see to the black ones and I notice that the eyes of the tracked face are 2 noticely similar black areas of the face. now I can use the a* algorithm to detect if the amount of black in one eye is near the same amount of black in the other eye, I will have a basic face tracked, also the black for one eye looks like a flipped version of the other eye which I can use the first eye as a reference to match a close percent of the pixels in the second eye when read at a flipped position.
    Last edited by AS3.0; 02-02-2021 at 02:05 PM.

  15. #15
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
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    Face Tracker progress in AS3/AIR:

    future updates: behance

    Source .FLA: Download

    description: tracker only works on around my skin tone at the moment it is in really early stages but you can find future updates to this on my behance profile.

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