Client Software Programmer
as3 read/write over ftp socket to NAS server
simple script for read/write to NAS through ftp with last 2 functions to read and write
PHP Code:
var socketData:ByteArray; var user="anonymous"; var pass=""; var ip="";//ethernet= var port=21 var task="";
var socket_ftp = new Socket(); socket_ftp.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, onFtpSocketData); socket_ftp.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connected); socket_ftp.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,err); var socket_passive:Socket = new Socket(); socket_passive.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, onPassiveSocketData); socket_passive.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, onPassiveConnect); socket_passive.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,err); var cnt=0 function connected(e:*){ } function onPassiveConnect(e:*){ if (task=="create_file"){ socket_ftp.writeUTFBytes("STOR "+"/share/sda1/11111.txt"+"\n"); cnt++ trace("sent") } if (task=="request_file"){ socket_ftp.writeUTFBytes("RETR "+"/share/sda1/11111.txt"+"\n"); } if (task=="getDirList"){ socket_ftp.writeUTFBytes("LIST "+"/share/sda1"+"\n"); } socket_ftp.flush(); }
function onPassiveSocketData(e:*){ socketData=new ByteArray(); socket_passive.readBytes(socketData,0,socket_passive.bytesAvailable); socket_passive.close(); trace("file contents: " +socketData) } var ftp_array; var ftp_code; function onFtpSocketData(e:*){ var parsedString=socket_ftp.readUTFBytes(socket_ftp.bytesAvailable);
if(parsedString.indexOf("550 ")>-1){ socket_ftp.close(); } if (task=="request_file"){
} if(task=="getDirList"){ } ftp_code = parsedString.indexOf("227");
if (ftp_code > -1){ ftp_array = parsedString.substring(parsedString.indexOf("(",parsedString.indexOf("227"))+1,parsedString.indexOf(")",parsedString.indexOf("227"))).split(","); var passive_port:int=(ftp_array[4]*256)+(int(ftp_array[5])); socket_passive.connect(ip,passive_port); }
if (parsedString.indexOf("226 ") > -1){ socket_ftp.close(); } if(task=="create_file"&&parsedString.indexOf("150 ") > -1){ socket_passive.writeUTFBytes("file contents here"); socket_passive.flush(); socket_ftp.close(); socket_passive.close(); } } addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,md); function md(e:*){ if(e.target.name=="create_file"&&socket_ftp.connected==false){ task = "create_file"; socket_ftp.connect(ip,port); socket_ftp.writeUTFBytes("USER "+user+"\n"+"PASS "+pass+"\n"+"TYPE I\n"+"PASV \n"); socket_ftp.flush(); } if(e.target.name=="request_file"&&socket_ftp.connected==false){ task = "request_file"; socket_ftp.connect(ip,port); socket_ftp.writeUTFBytes("USER "+user+"\n"+"PASS "+pass+"\n"+"TYPE I\n"+"PASV \n"); socket_ftp.flush(); } } addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,loop) function loop(e:*){ //trace(socket_ftp.connected + " " + socket_passive.connected) } function err(e:*){ }
function request_file(){ if(socket_ftp.connected==false){ task = "request_file"; socket_ftp.connect(ip,port); socket_ftp.writeUTFBytes("USER "+user+"\n"+"PASS "+pass+"\n"+"TYPE I\n"+"PASV \n"); socket_ftp.flush(); } } function create_file(){ if(socket_ftp.connected==false){ task = "create_file"; socket_ftp.connect(ip,port); socket_ftp.writeUTFBytes("USER "+user+"\n"+"PASS "+pass+"\n"+"TYPE I\n"+"PASV \n"); socket_ftp.flush(); } } create_file() //request_file()
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-11-2018 at 01:38 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Was this code written by you, Alloy Bacon?
Client Software Programmer
Yes. Its free. And I wouldnt be able to do it without the developer guides because thats like knowing your way through someones house without asking them. I didnt invent ftp i just released a simpler version for myself to use on this NAS device I have so multiple as3 servers on various local computers can read and write files to store as a database. Its like 1 server goes down and the other one still has all the same data for the clients connecting.
For sftp which is a whole different modern secure version I have as3 libraries like Blowfish symmetric-key block cipher to handle the data but only thing I stopped writing it because I cant tell where the first 14 bytes are coming from when recording the data with a tcp packet capture, sftp is good to communicate with modern webservers sftp like lamp to transfer from as3 to lamp etc. I dont think i will finish sftp because its for the NAS which is modern device that still uses plain ftp
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-21-2019 at 04:22 PM.
Client Software Programmer
I have written an as3 ftp like above that can do more like handle a queue of multiple files you need made with unique data per file. I tested it to create 50k different files and they were all in the queue and eventually made pretty fast. ill sell the ftp version thats multithreaded for like $5 paypal if someone wants
Client Software Programmer
$5 for my multithreaded as3 ftp read/write script and ill buy something off you later on of around the same value that you made and want to sell.
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-22-2019 at 08:03 PM.
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