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Thread: nostalgic look back: ActionScript 2 vs ActionScript 3.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    nostalgic look back: ActionScript 2 vs ActionScript 3.

    Not that it matters anymore, but many of us came from Flash and the earliest of us remember fondly the ease of use of Flash before it turns in *OOP everything* hell hole.

    I have been using ActionScript 3 since the day it went official, but I have always had this feeling that "something is wrong" compared to what it was before.


    It was fun before...real fun, and things get done quickly.

    Not that it matters anymore.

    But to all you Flash lovers out there like me who were there before AS3, this is my toast to myself and all of you !

    Please message me if any of you still love AS2, I am trying to form a small community of us old souls, maybe have a YouTube interview to reminiscent old times !

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Well said! I stayed at AS2 by the way, it worked well for my projects

  3. #3
    Client Software Programmer AS3.0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I found AS2 to have a comfortable workspace being a software programmer & there are a lot of things to boost productivity to go from a drag and drop developer to an Actions Panel only programmer meaning everything is done through writing.

    I knew fruitbeard would write AS3 & I didn't want to start that language until I finally threw the time one day & that is almost all I mostly use to setup single feature operating systems now, I literally have setup a AS3.cpp file that is capable of doing simple actionscript commands as an OS. Although Adobe Animate doesn't currently have the option to write AS2 anymore since it was deprecated I only write AS3 for that reason. I was excited to have some releases that I could make in AS3 that were capable of running as a mobile application all until I heard about .ane's I didn't like the idea of having competition available to me by not being involved in writing java. I know that my AS3.cpp file will be a big part of my next step in programming by giving myself a instant booting platform with the same actionscript syntax:


    I actually renewed my Animate CC license today & hope to make some sales this month:

    Last edited by AS3.0; 10-08-2021 at 02:42 PM.

  4. #4

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