Is 3D stage possible?
Is it possible to have a 3D Stage in Flash?
Not sure what you mean by stage but to do 3D you'd need an engine that can handle it. It's not built in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE9YDQesUvg is a short vid demonstrating one I found doing a quick google search.
Client Software Programmer
ask me what kind of tutorial you are looking for, you want to control field of view so it looks the same for all devices etc..? yeah the built in is good, or you can do lineTo which is tough but the outcome is very hd. I just stay on built in 3d for now, its good practice.
Basically how to have the Flash stage in 3d. I find the GUI of flash proper to work in so if we can have, say, 3d objects as movie clips in the Flash stage only, that will be interesting. Basically how the stage will be the visible area in 3d aswell. Anyway thanks I will see how 3d movie clips work.
Client Software Programmer
My way of doing 3d in as3 isn't the only way but I feel it is a good work flow to take notes from. I will make a youtube video on it because I am working on getting more subscribers so it will be convenient for both of us.
I don't let the 3d movieclips x,y on the stage effect its perspective, so I use the as3 3d function: perspectiveProjection to keep its view static when moved around the stage. I feel it is better too 3d rotate the movie clip in the program to have more control.
Last edited by AS3.0; 09-06-2020 at 11:12 PM.
Client Software Programmer
Here is my quick tutorial on interactive 3d in actionscript 3
source fla: download
mirror download: mirror download
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-29-2020 at 12:56 PM.
Not sure what you mean by stage but to do 3D you'd need an engine that can handle it.
There are 2 tools which help you in controlling of object iN 3D. Please try 3D translational tool and 3D rotational tool.
Flash Stage 2D
Flash Stage........3D!!!!
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by AkhilAggarwal7
Not sure what you mean by stage but to do 3D you'd need an engine that can handle it.
how do I report spam here? this bot just repeats one of the posts abov. Probably aiming for sig links.
Client Software Programmer
Here is an unedited full 3d tutorial I just posted starting from a new file:
- 3d depth
- rotate Y camera with q,e keys around the character
- right slider rotate X cam to view the character at higher limited angles
- w,a,s,d to move the character around.
Source file: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link...3-c63b942b7993
Last edited by AS3.0; 07-29-2021 at 10:29 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Hello, I just released an AS3 3d tutorial which you can than use the same AS3 program to run as an Operating System that boots in 1 second.
Here is the source files, requirements & instructions to boot the AS3 ported program: download
Last edited by AS3.0; 07-31-2021 at 05:37 PM.
Client Software Programmer
Hi everyone, I released an AS3 3d tutorial 0.2 today which you can then use the same AS3 program to run as an Operating System that boots in 1 second, this is a more complex version of the last video.
Here is the source files, requirements & instructions to boot the AS3 ported program: download 0.2
Client Software Programmer
touch is going to be accessed as stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY
Last edited by AS3.0; 08-04-2021 at 03:31 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Joystick update for the AS3 operating system port:
Joystick is going to be accessed as it would be in as3 for arrow keys, (no event listener, just access e.keyCode)
e.keyCode = 37//left arrow
e.keyCode = 38//up arrow
e.keyCode = 39//right arrow
e.keyCode = 40//down arrow
This is how the keys are accessed in as3:
PHP Code:
function kd(e:*){
Client Software Programmer
Gyroscope update for the AS3 operating system port:
gyroscope is going to be accessed as it would be in adobe air as3 for accelerometer, (no event listener, just access e.accelerationX)
e.accelerationX; // x plane movements
e.accelerationY; // y plane movements
e.accelerationZ; //z plane movements
Last edited by AS3.0; 08-08-2021 at 02:02 AM.
Client Software Programmer
I just released a 3D tutorial to make a digital compass in AS3:
This is brilliant. You guys must be so passionate.
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