Answer to an inquiry regarding Flash end of life
I received this question a few days ago: "What becomes of the Flash component of this program when Adobe stops supporting or distributing Flash?"
I replied but I felt that an answer should be presented on this forum. Other people may be wondering.
KoolMoves does not rely on the Flash Player except indirectly through the internal browser used for previewing. Drawing and editing on the stage and export do not use the Flash Player. As I said, it is only used for previewing. That browser is an older version of Internet Explorer. Probably in a future release of Visual Studio compiler, the Flash Player will be removed. There is the ability through File > Preferences to switch to your default browser like Edge, FireFox, Chrome or whatever. It is possible and maybe highly likely that the Flash Player will be removed from most browsers. Previewing for Html5 export does not use the Flash Player at all.
There are software projects to develop alternatives to the Flash Player but they don't seem very far along. AS3 seems to be the obstacle. I suspect that KoolMoves/KoolShow SWF import maybe a better option because it gets you to a stable Html5 export format. It has been difficult to work out all the bugs in achieving this SWF to Html5 conversion but I am working hard on it. AS3 import is still a pipe dream. AS3 export took years and was most difficult.
KoolMoves has moved away from Flash export ever since it lost popularity and has concentrated on Html5 export. KoolShow is entirely Html5 export. Both products support animated GIF and AVI/MP4 export but they tend to have large file sizes.
Both products will be maintained and sold. The code base and .fun file format are shared so it is not difficult to maintain both.
undead creature
I've always used the StandAlone Player for preview and test.
Not to mention that for several years both Chrome and Firefox are collection of bugs (talking about flash player).
Junior Member
At present, the Flash component of this program is being used for supporting the preview function only. Nowadays, companies are choosing to convert their Flash-based content into the HTML5 format to ensure continuity and enhanced performance. This is the transition that is regularly being followed and witnessed in the industry.
We started that transition many years ago by supporting Html5 export. Any .fun file which was created in the Flash mode of the program can be exported as Html5 to the extent that it is possible (meaning that any action script related element in the animation will not export).
KoolMoves supports Flash and Html5 export and GUI modes. In the Flash mode, preview can only happen with the standalone player since no web browser that I know of still supports Flash. The Flash mode may still have value to people because of special effects which have not been implemented or can't be implemented in the Html5 mode. There is also Chroma Key capability in the Flash mode. The Flash mode created movie can be exported as videos of different formats.
Both Flash and Html5 export/GUI modes support the ability to import SWF files with certain limitations (no AS2, no AS3, some coverage of AS1). The imported file can then be exported as Html5.
Junior Member
 Originally Posted by Bob Hartzell
We started that transition many years ago by supporting Html5 export. Any .fun file which was created in the Flash mode of the program can be exported as Html5 to the extent that it is possible (meaning that any action script related element in the animation will not export).
KoolMoves supports Flash and Html5 export and GUI modes. In the Flash mode, preview can only happen with the standalone player since no web browser that I know of still supports Flash. The Flash mode may still have value to people because of special effects which have not been implemented or can't be implemented in the Html5 mode. There is also Chroma Key capability in the Flash mode. The Flash mode created movie can be exported as videos of different formats.
Both Flash and Html5 export/GUI modes support the ability to import SWF files with certain limitations (no AS2, no AS3, some coverage of AS1). The imported file can then be exported as Html5.
Thats great to know.
Senior Member
Sorry to bring up an old topic but Flash is still superior to HTML5. And I personally never experienced any security risk using Flash. Here's why I love Flash and will continue to use it...
- Small compact file.
- Easy to upload and distribute.
- Last I tested it was also faster. It's been a few years since I did any testing but the last I checked.
- Stand-alone projectors for app development.
- Great for screen-saver development as you didn't have to worry about all the different resolutions. Just scale it.
- Many games and cartoon animations were made.
- Easiest way to create a website and put your own artistic touch on it.
Just think about it. You don't see all those interesting styled websites anymore. Animated websites in a small file (singular) was just pretty damn awesome. Products like KoolMoves made it so easy and you really didn't even have to know how to script/program if you didn't want.
Anyway, I feel like HTML5 really didn't bring much to the table when compared to Flash and still doesn't years later.
Oh and I still use Flash in Firefox. No problems here. Install Flash player 29 and tell it to never check for updates.
Last edited by FLASHPULSE; 08-04-2022 at 10:59 PM.
I agree.
Interesting tip about how to still use rhe Flash player in FireFox.
The security arguments against using Flash player were weak because most Html5 animations involve 3rd party javascript libraries. If they wanted they could have removed the more dangerous functionality from the Flash player.
Swf files were highly compressed to the bit level; Html5 is uncompressed.
I think the death of interesting animations on web sites died when WordPress came into wide spread use and when everyone became concerned with search engine ranking via text content optimization.
And then there is the political/monetary aspect. Apple didn't benefit in any way from Flash.
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by Bob Hartzell
The security arguments against using Flash player were weak because most Html5 animations involve 3rd party javascript libraries. If they wanted they could have removed the more dangerous functionality from the Flash player.
That was my exact thought. And honestly they could still remove the vulnerable or dangerous functionality.
I guess I will use both Flash and HTML5 where needed but I'm enjoying Flash just as much as I did 20 years ago. Currently creating my own Flash screen saver app.
Oh and yes. Apple did not like Flash for whatever reason(s). Just because they removed it from the iPhone years ago shouldn't have created the supposed death of Flash. I say "supposed" because there are many who still enjoy it and even have gone as far as creating Flash emulators now, such as Ruffle. Which is pretty cool.
undead creature
 Originally Posted by Bob Hartzell
And then there is the political/monetary aspect. Apple didn't benefit in any way from Flash.
Flash is dead thanks to Google and Apple.
And yes, after so many years Flash is still way better than HTML5 (from any point of view).
Junior Member
Flash supports only the preview function. At present only HTML5 based content is used because of its enhanced performance.
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