solitaire game need help
hello all
this is swishmax solitaire game
i need help
1- At the beginning of the game, disable the drag and drop feature for all items
2-When the word appears, it is allowed to drag and drop only
3-Add a 20-second counter( timer -- ) for each word
4- When the counter becomes 0, the drag and drop of this item is disabled
and then it moves to the red player and so on
thanks for help
swishmax file:
Client Software Programmer
Inside of solitaire_play where it says onselfevent:
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
for(var i=1;i<11;i++){ //put this for loop to disable dragging.
here is the solution for question 1:
download 0.2
I'm sure you have the solutions,
thank you my friend
there is an error in solitaire_play line 25
PHP Code:
red_Mask[6] = ["red","675","321.45"];
the correct is
PHP Code:
red_Mask[6] = ["red6","675","321.45"];
Client Software Programmer
Ok now words can appear + draggable, In the solitaire_play script for "function pick()" when the tick gets to 40 you can modify the text field _root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field
PHP Code:
function pick () {
for(var i=1;i<11;i++){ //set to true again
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="Card " +String(i)
download 0.3
Last edited by AS3.0; 03-22-2022 at 06:27 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Here is a fix for the full script that has pick()
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
for(var i=1;i<11;i++){
black_Mask = new Array;
black_Mask[0] = ["black0","178.85","70.3"]; //mc name,_x,_y
black_Mask[1] = ["black1","261.55","70.3"];
black_Mask[2] = ["black2","344.25","70.3"];
black_Mask[3] = ["black3","426.95","70.3"];
black_Mask[4] = ["black4","509.65","70.3"];
black_Mask[5] = ["black5","592.3","70.3"];
black_Mask[6] = ["black6","675","70.3"];
black_Mask[7] = ["black7","757.7","70.3"];
black_Mask[8] = ["black8","840.4","70.3"];
black_Mask[9] = ["black9","923.1","70.3"];
red_Mask = new Array;
red_Mask[0] = ["red0","178.85","321.45"]; //mc name,_x,_y
red_Mask[1] = ["red1","261.55","321.45"];
red_Mask[2] = ["red2","344.25","321.45"];
red_Mask[3] = ["red3","426.95","321.45"];
red_Mask[4] = ["red4","509.65","321.45"];
red_Mask[5] = ["red5","592.3","321.45"];
red_Mask[6] = ["red6","675","321.45"];
red_Mask[7] = ["red7","757.7","321.45"];
red_Mask[8] = ["red8","840.4","321.45"];
red_Mask[9] = ["red9","923.1","321.45"];
function pick () {
ticks = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.ticks ++;
if (this.Mask_Position==1){
ran = Math.random(this.black_Mask.length);
this.Mask._x = this.black_Mask[ran][1];
this.Mask._y = this.black_Mask[ran][2];
i= int(this.black_Mask[ran][0].substr(5,2));
i= i+1;
i= String(i)
if (this.ticks == 40) {
delete this.onEnterFrame
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="Card " +String(i)
for(var i=1;i<11;i++){
else if (this.Mask_Position==2){
ran = Math.random(this.red_Mask.length);
this.Mask._x = this.red_Mask[ran][1];
this.Mask._y = this.red_Mask[ran][2];
i= int(this.red_Mask[ran][0].substr(3,2));
i= i+1;
i= String(i)
if (this.ticks == 40) {
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="Card " +String(i)
for(var i=1;i<11;i++){
delete this.onEnterFrame
function shuffling(original_array:Array):Array{
var shuffle_array:Array = new Array()
while (original_array.length>0){
var n:int= int(Math.randomRange (0,original_array.length))
original_array.splice(n, 1)
return (shuffle_array )
onFrame (1) {
for( i=1;i < 11;i++){
this["black"+i].pic.attachMovie("st1", "st1", 0);
this["red"+i].pic.attachMovie("st1", "st1", 0);
var words1=["A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7","A8","A9","A10"];
var words2=["B1","B2","B3","B4","B5","B6","B7","B8","B9","B10"];
var words3=["C1","C2","C3","C4","C5","C6","C7","C8","C9","C10"];
var words4=["D1","D2","D3","D4","D5","D6","D7","D8","D9","D10"];
var words5=["E1","E2","E3","E4","E5","E6","E7","E8","E9","E10"];
var words6=["F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10"];
var words1=["G1","G2","G3","G4","G5","G6","G7","G8","G9","G10"];
var words2=["H1","H2","H3","H4","H5","H6","H7","H8","H9","H10"];
var words3=["I1","I2","I3","I4","I5","I6","I7","I8","I9","I10"];
var words4=["J1","J2","J3","J4","J5","J6","J7","J8","J9","J10"];
var words5=["K1","K2","K3","K4","K5","K6","K7","K8","K9","K10"];
var selected_array_words=[];
else if(_root.solitaire.h==2){selected_array_words=words2}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==3){selected_array_words=words3}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==4){selected_array_words=words4}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==5){selected_array_words=words5}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==6){selected_array_words=words6}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==7){selected_array_words=words7}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==8){selected_array_words=words8}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==9){selected_array_words=words9}
else if(_root.solitaire.h==10){selected_array_words=words10}
download 0.4
Last edited by AS3.0; 03-22-2022 at 09:07 AM.
hello my friend
step 1
Please make a random choice between the black button and the red button
In other words, every time the first player is chosen at random,
if the black player is the one who will start first, disable pressing the red button,
but if the red player is chosen, disable the black player
This is the beginning of the game
I am waiting for you to start new additions to this game
Thank you
Client Software Programmer
Ok for the first entrance of the game it will choose red or black & disable the one not in use, when the ticks hit 40, you can slide the cards for the current turn.
This is what I put in solitaire_play
PHP Code:
function randomBetween(a,b){
var turn =["Reds turn","Blacks turn"]
var num_selected=randomBetween(0,1)
download 0.5
step 2
when i press red button :
- disable drag and drop for all cards except current card only
- disable black button and red button ( when i drooped the card enable black button )
Client Software Programmer
Here is some progress, tell me what I might of missed though.
progress 0.6
when i press a red button
Client Software Programmer
The last one that says undefined? the second card will always appear for me.
Client Software Programmer
So its fine now? or do I add something?
can you add :
1- random player start ( black or red )
if black == disable red
if red == disable black
2- add timer
3- drag and drop word card to number card before time out
if time out change another player
Client Software Programmer
Ok, in solitaire_play script I added randomBetween which picks either black cards or red cards, & disables black cards if red is the first chosen option.
PHP Code:
var turn=0;
var player_turn=["black cards","red cards"]
turn = randomBetween(0,1)
function randomBetween(a,b){
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="It is " + player_turn[turn] + " " + "turn."
for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
This is the top text field accessor:
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Ok so should the red player keep getting turns? or it should be black cards turn next if red is the first to start.
I started a new job recently so I had to do this online training, sorry for the delays.
Last edited by AS3.0; 04-30-2022 at 01:30 PM.
When the red player starts the first card then the black player starts
Can you add timer
drag and drop word card to number card before time out
Client Software Programmer
ok in the script section "solitaire_play" where it says function pick, you need to add this script when tick == 40 to give the next player a turn:
For the red reaching 40 ticks, this needs to be called next:
PHP Code:
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="It is " + "black cards" + " " + "turn."
For the black reaching 40 ticks, this needs to be called next:
PHP Code:
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="It is " + "red cards" + " " + "turn."
download solitaire 9
this is awesome
The next step is to add timing and drag and drop work
Client Software Programmer
Ok this version has the timer function set to 12 seconds default for each player
From line 7-41 on the solitaire_play script the bottom 3 variables & player_time function was added.
PHP Code:
var timeout_1=setTimeout(player_time,1000,turn);//on start setTimeout for function below which is a timer subtraction for the text field above the card game.
var default_timeout=12//default timeout will be set here, I put 12 seconds.
var time_1=default_timeout;//time_1 gets used alot in the function below "player_time" so it is set to 12 and keeps subtracting each second in "player_time" function
function player_time(turn_var){//this function gets called each second for the game text field.
if(turn_var==1){// turn_var 1 = red player, if true we are decreasing & modifying text here else if turn_var==0 down below for black cards.
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="It is red cards turn, you have " + time_1 + " seconds left."
if(time_1==-1){//if time == -1 inside this section for red cards, time is up, next players turn will be assigned.
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="Red card didn't make a move on time, It is black cards turn."
time_1=default_timeout;//reset time to default which is 12 seconds
turn=0//assign turn value to be black cards turn before calling setTimeout for black cards time to start decreasing
timeout_1=setTimeout(player_time,1000,turn);//if time is not -1 yet call setTimeout to its own function in 1 second.
}else if(turn_var==0){//else turn_var == 0 modify text for black cards to decrease each second.
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="It is black cards turn, you have " + time_1 + " seconds left."
if(time_1==-1){//if time == -1 inside this section for black cards, time is up, next players turn will be assigned.
_root.solitaire.solitaire_play.data_field.text="Black card didn't make a move on time, It is red cards turn."
time_1=default_timeout;//reset time to default which is 12 seconds
turn=1//assign turn value to be red cards turn before calling setTimeout for red cards time to start decreasing
timeout_1=setTimeout(player_time,1000,turn);//if time is not -1 yet call setTimeout to its own function in 1 second.
line 121-124 on the solitaire_play script when ticks reaches 40 for black cards we can set a turn for red cards in 1 second.
PHP Code:
//we reached 40 ticks so it is next players turn, time to reset variables for the next user.
this.turn=1//the accessor for var turn starts with this. turn=1 is red turn=0 is black.
this.time_1=this.default_timeout//since it is the next players turn now we reset this.time_1 back to default which is 12 seconds.
this.timeout_1=setTimeout(this.player_time,1000,1);//timeout_1 stores the timeout so you can call clearTimeout if needed later.
line 147-150 on the solitaire_play script when ticks reaches 40 for red cards we can set a turn for black cards in 1 second.
PHP Code:
//we reached 40 ticks so it is next players turn, time to reset variables for the next user.
this.turn=0//the accessor for var turn starts with this. turn=1 is red turn=0 is black.
this.time_1=this.default_timeout//since it is the next players turn now we reset this.time_1 back to default which is 12 seconds.
this.timeout_1=setTimeout(this.player_time,1000,0);//timeout_1 stores the timeout so you can call clearTimeout if needed later.
download solitaire 10
Last edited by AS3.0; 05-17-2022 at 10:10 PM.
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