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Thread: How can i rotate an mc analogically by the x, y position of another mc?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Athens, Greece

    Question How can i rotate an mc analogically by the x, y position of another mc?

    Hi to all,
    I'm newbie in here and in Flash.
    Till now i have learn some important things, points, tips and etc about Flash functions, but generally ehh... no, not many things about it.

    I want to make a movieclip only to fully rotate analogically to the x, y position of another movieclip that is moving from its own, and i don't know how.
    I've tried anything - from the most simple ...or even the almost stupid thought in my effort to achieve it, and finally... I always had almost crazy or very wrong results.

    Thank you from now for your time.
    Any help will be deeply apreciated.

    ps. I make a register here because in past i have read uncountable -and at least- meaningfull posts here: all that posts helped me understand deeply and in many ways many things in Flash untill now (btw, i have Flash 8) - and thank you all by my heart for that.

    ps. Sorry for any posible word or phrase mistake in my post.

    Have a good day.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Analogically is basically having it orbit in a circle around another object right?
    I think you want something like this:
    It's actually for AS3 but it has the required formulas that you can code from.

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