How to do a loop to create many SharedObject
hello all
in this swishmax file
When the button is pressed, the text value is incremented by 1 and the value is saved to SharedObject
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
var kofa1:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("file1");
var kofa2:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("file2");
if(kofa1.data.chk ==undefined){
kofa1.data.chk =0 ;
if(kofa2.data.chk ==undefined){
kofa2.data.chk =0 ;
onFrame (1) {
t1.text = kofa1.data.chk ;
t2.text = kofa2.data.chk ;
kofa1.flush ();
kofa2.flush ();
i create only button 1 and button 2
How to do a loop to create many SharedObject for all buttons easily
swishmax file : https://app.box.com/s/0xcvfv8ib32fm82kbruuh1sv679hiq1t
Client Software Programmer
Hello, I just removed the script from the buttons & gave the buttons names, btn1, btn2 etc...
The thing about retrieving the shared object files through the main timeline is by referencing the number for the specific button as: this._name.split("n")[1] which basically gets the number after the letter "n" for name "btn1" it will get 1.
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
var kofa1:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("file"+i);
for(var i=1;i<20+1;i++){
kofa1 = SharedObject.getLocal("file"+i);
_root["btn"+i].onPress = function(){ //"btn"+i for button can be referenced i but inside the button program must split after "n" on btn1 to get 1
_root["t"+this._name.split("n")[1]].text="0"; //this._name.split("n")[1] splits passed n for name "btn1" to be a number referenced from this.
var kofa2:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("file"+this._name.split("n")[1]);
onFrame (1) {
for(var i=1;i<20+1;i++){
kofa1 = SharedObject.getLocal("file"+i);
_root["t"+i].text = kofa1.data.chk ;
kofa1.flush ();
download v2
ERROR: Cannot find 'i'
Scene_1, line 2: var kofa1:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("file"+i)
i solved it by add ( this.i )
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
var kofa1:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("file"+this.i);
but all text ="undefined" in the first time
how to solve this
thank you very much
Client Software Programmer
Alright that should fix the error, I was checking undefined as a string.
download v3
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