Random SharedObject
hello all
this is my new project in swishmax

The file loads randomly questions from a text file
The student answers only 5 questions per day
How to save the questions answered in the report ( textscroll ) by SharedObject method or any
and On the next day, when you open the file again, it completes the questions without repeating the questions that were answered
and add a new data in the report
and so on
the report contains the question and 4 answered and true or false
swishmax file : https://app.box.com/s/0g84psgzvj5ww1cfzn4bhdan1fgbmvw1
thanks for help
https://open-flash.github.io/mirrors...redObject.html There are some code examples you can get a start with.
thanks swake
I read this but I don't know how to do it
i need your experience to make this project together as you helped me in the past
Client Software Programmer
Hello, I added an open day which means if the settings.txt says 11/2/2022 & computer date says 11/1/2022, tomorrow it will be unlocked.
To show a snippet, I just send the openDay function the open date from settings.txt
PHP Code:
function openDay(a){
var temp_month=(a.split(";")[0])
var temp_day=(a.split(";")[1])
var temp_year=(a.split(";")[2]);
//temp_month + " " +temp_day + " " + temp_year + " " +
//_root.questions.data_field3.text=temp_month==(current_month_number) //+ " " +temp_month + " " +temp_day + " " + temp_year + " " + current_month_number+" " + current_day_number + " " + current_year_number
download v2
welcome AS3.0
let's start together again
i have an idea
We create an array when the file is run the first time and store the questions numbers in it
Then the questions are called in the following through this array
I made this code, but I need your expertise to complete the code
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
var open:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("storedFile");
open.data.array || []; // array to save questions numers
if (open.data.first_run ==undefined){;
trace("first time")
open.data.first_run =0 // to delete load questions again in the next run
// start to load questions and answers from txt file
loadV = new LoadVars();
MyArray = new Array();
loadV.onData = function(s) {
p = s.split('&');
for(i=1; i < p.length; i++) {
var numbers: Array = new Array();
for (var i: int = 1; i < p.length; i++) {
numbers = numbers.sort(function (a:int, b:int):int { return Math.random() > .5 ? -1 : 1; });
//end load questions and answers from txt file
// here how to save these random numbers in (open.data.array SharedObject )
// to use it in scand open
else if (open.data.first_run ==0){ // if this is the scand open
trace("scand open");
//here how to load and complete the questions
//open.clear(); // enable this code to delete all stored data to check your code again
onSelfEvent (enterFrame) {
/* // i disable this code until any help about this idea
question.text = MyArray[numbers[num]][1].split("q"+numbers[0]+"=");
wrong1.text = MyArray[numbers[num]][2].split("q"+numbers[0]+"=") ;
wrong2.text = MyArray[numbers[num]][3].split("q"+numbers[0]+"=") ;
wrong3.text = MyArray[numbers[num]][4].split("q"+numbers[0]+"=") ;
true_answer.text = MyArray[numbers[num]][5].split("q"+numbers[0]+"=") ;
total.text=" question No : " add (_root.questions.num+1) add " from " add (_root.questions.p.length-1)
score.text=" your score is : " add (int(_root.questions.scorePOINT)) add " from " add (_root.questions.p.length-1)
onFrame (1) {
swishmax file :https://app.box.com/s/c6lc3fd2zsm9ysprswhw9lcrgu0cvq4b
Last edited by kofa; 11-02-2022 at 02:39 PM.
hello all

i have succeeded in :
1- Random numbers are stored
2- load the questions and answers from SharedObject
3- Complete the questions at the last question answered
4- Create a report table.
There are still many things that need help:
1- Is there a way to make the report in a professional and easy way?
2- How to change the position of the answers in a random way(This of course will change the position of the answers in the report)
3- After loading the questions and answers in the report, how can the report be printed?
questions script:
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
var open:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("storedFile");
open.data.Questions || []; // to save questions and answers
open.data.array || []; // to save random number
if (open.data.first_run ==undefined){;
trace("first time");
open.data.first_run =0 // to delete load questions again in the next run
open.data.QuestionNum= 0 // to save questions answered
// start to load questions and answers from txt file
loadV = new LoadVars();
MyArray = new Array();
loadV.onData = function(s) {
p = s.split('&');
for(i=1; i < p.length; i++) {
var numbers: Array = new Array();
for (var i: int = 1; i < p.length; i++) {
numbers = numbers.sort(function (a:int, b:int):int { return Math.random() > .5 ? -1 : 1; });
else if (open.data.first_run ==0){ // if this is the scand open
trace("scand open");
//here how to load and complete the questions
//open.clear(); // enable this code to delete all stored data to check your code again
TrueAnswe ()
onSelfEvent (enterFrame) {
if(open.data.first_run ==0){TrueAnswe ()}
onFrame (1) {
function TrueAnswe () {
question.text = open.data.Questions[open.data.array[open.data.QuestionNum]][1];
wrong1.text = open.data.Questions[open.data.array[open.data.QuestionNum]][2];
wrong2.text = open.data.Questions[open.data.array[open.data.QuestionNum]][3];
wrong3.text = open.data.Questions[open.data.array[open.data.QuestionNum]][4] ;
true_answer.text = open.data.Questions[open.data.array[open.data.QuestionNum]][5] ;
total.text=" question No : " add (open.data.QuestionNum+1) add " from " add (open.data.array.length)
score.text=" your score is : " add (open.data.POINT) add " from " add (open.data.array.length)
report script:
PHP Code:
onFrame (1) {
for( var i:int = 0; i < _root.main.questions.open.data.array.length+1 ; ++i ){
// create question number table
this.createTextField("num"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 50, , 40,22);
this["num"+i].border = true;
this["num"+i].text = String(i);
this["num"+0].text = "Num";
// create question table
this.createTextField("Question"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 92, , 200,22);
this["Question"+i].border = true;
this["Question"+i].text = "Loadind...";
this["Question"+0].text = "Question";
// create Answer A table
this.createTextField("answerA"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 293, , 100,22);
this["answerA"+i].border = true;
this["answerA"+i].text = "Loadind...";
this["answerA"+0].text = "answer A";
// create Answer A table
this.createTextField("answerB"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 393, , 100,22);
this["answerB"+i].border = true;
this["answerB"+i].text = "Loadind...";
this["answerB"+0].text = "answer B";
// create Answer C table
this.createTextField("answerC"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 493, , 100,22);
this["answerC"+i].border = true;
this["answerC"+i].text = "Loadind...";
this["answerC"+0].text = "answer C";
// create Answer D table
this.createTextField("answerD"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 593, , 100,22);
this["answerD"+i].border = true;
this["answerD"+i].text = "Loadind...";
this["answerD"+0].text = "answer D";
// create Result table
this.createTextField("Result"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 693, , 70,22);
this["Result"+i].border = true;
this["Result"+i].text = "true or false";
this["Result"+0].text = "Result";
var myformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myformat.size=13 ;
myformat.color = 0xFF0000;
Random SharedObject V4 file : https://app.box.com/s/xu0uolljdnp4mkd440of1bb8dmnu2ufd
Client Software Programmer
Hello for #2 I added a function called randomizeOrder() that will reorder the x & y coordinates by memorizing the original way they were placed in another array called coordinates.
Inside of the true_answer button you can call this each time, to create a new order.
PHP Code:
The randomBetween function is inside of the questions section.
PHP Code:
function randomBetween(a,b){
The randomizeOrder function is inside of the questions section.
PHP Code:
function randomizeOrder(){
var main_array:Array=new Array(wrong1,wrong2,wrong3,true_answer)
var main_array2:Array=new Array(wrong1,wrong2,wrong3,true_answer)
var coordinates:Array=new Array();
var numbers:Array=new Array(0,1,2,3);
var new_order:Array=new Array();
for(var i=0;i<4;i++){
var pos=0
for(var i=0;i<4;i++){
download v5
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-05-2022 at 06:29 PM.
thanks AS3.0
my solution is :
PHP Code:
function postion () {
var i:int=int(Math.randomRange(1,5)) ;
wrong1._y = 300.05;
wrong2._y =338.95 ;
wrong3._y =377.9 ;
true_answer._y = 416.8 ;
else if(i==2){
true_answer._y = 300.05;
wrong3._y =338.95 ;
wrong2._y =377.9 ;
wrong1._y = 416.8 ;
else if(i==3){
wrong1._y = 300.05;
true_answer._y =338.95 ;
wrong2._y =377.9 ;
wrong3._y = 416.8 ;
else if(i==4){
wrong3._y = 300.05;
wrong1._y =338.95 ;
true_answer._y =377.9 ;
wrong2._y = 416.8 ;
but your solution is professional
now can you help me to make the report
Client Software Programmer
Hello, I have created a solution to fill the report as the questions get answered.
So I took some of the program from the report & used it for the TrueAnswe function at the questions section.
In the TrueAnswe function if _root.attempt==1 & the text field wasn't already set as incorrect, we can put it as correct.
Each button press will increase the _root.attempt number, if it is only 1 attempt we can save the answer as a correct answer.
PHP Code:
if(_root.attempt==1&& _root.main.questions.open.data.Questions[open.data.QuestionNum][6]!="incorrect"){
_root.main.report["Result"+(open.data.QuestionNum)].text ="correct";
_root.attempt=0 //Once you are on the next question it will reset _root.attempt to equal 0
}else if(_root.attempt>1&&_root.main.report["Result"+(open.data.QuestionNum)].text!="correct"&&_root.main.report["Result"+(open.data.QuestionNum)].text!="Result"){
_root.main.report["Result"+(open.data.QuestionNum)].text ="incorrect";
Once we reach the final question:
1.)Should I enlarge the report for printing? btw printing can be done using the flash client. File > Print, or is this for a browser.
2.)Show a percentage?
3.)The report is only supposed to show up once the last question is reached?
download v6
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-08-2022 at 04:52 PM.
Client Software Programmer
I had to fix the order for the report:
[open.data.QuestionNum-1] is 1-10 & increments as you answer each question to retrieve the scrambled array position in order for _root.main.questions.open.data.array, the scrambled array position at this level is for _root.main.questions.open.data.Questions which will give you the correct or incorrect type based on how the question was answered in [6], [6] has "correct", "incorrect" or "null" saved.
PHP Code:
download v7
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-08-2022 at 05:59 PM.
Client Software Programmer
Here is a bug fix from v7 that wasn't updating the data properly without the table being visible:
download v8
Client Software Programmer
Oh, that was unnecessary to place.
If you get to the final question you will see the report.
download v8
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-09-2022 at 11:15 AM.
very good
1-Is it possible for the question to appear in the report immediately after the answer?
2- Can the student’s answer be in a different color?
3- When the wrong choice is made, it moves to the next question
4- can you make a scroll for the report
Client Software Programmer
Hi, This answers question 1 & 3.
Inside of report we can go with having the borders set to false if the question is unanswered:
PHP Code:
this["num"+i].border = false; //hide border for unanswered questions
I also sampled the background graphics hex value and set the text to be the same color as the background:
PHP Code:
myformat.color = 0xFFFFCC; //hide color for unanswered questions
As open.data.QuestionNum number increases from selecting choices we can call trueAnswe at the questions section to enable .border to be true as well as set the text color to be red 0xFF0000:
PHP Code:
myformat.color = 0xFF0000; //set the color to red when a question gets answered
_root.main.report["num"+i].border = true; //set the border to be visible when a question gets answered
_root.main.report["Result"+i].border = true;
_root.main.report["answerD"+i].border = true;
_root.main.report["answerC"+i].border = true;
_root.main.report["answerB"+i].border = true;
_root.main.report["answerA"+i].border = true;
_root.main.report["Question"+i].border = true;
For buttons wrong1, wrong2, and wrong3 we can check if the current QuestionNum hasn't exceeded the array length _root.main.questions.open.data.array.length:
PHP Code:
if(_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNum< _root.main.questions.open.data.array.length){
_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNum +=1; //increase the QuestionNum by one
_root.main.report["Result"+(open.data.QuestionNum)].text ="incorrect"; //set the text as incorrect
_root.main.questions.open.data.Questions[_root.main.questions.open.data.array[open.data.QuestionNum-1]][6]="incorrect"; //save the data as incorrect
_root.main.questions.TrueAnswe () //call TrueAnswe function to enable borders for the increased QuestionNum as well as set the color of the text to red: 0xFF0000
_root.main.questions.randomizeOrder(); //randomize the of the buttons for the next question
_root.attempt=0 //reset the attempt number for the next question to start
download v9
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-09-2022 at 06:25 PM.
thanks so much

can you add timer
Last edited by kofa; 11-10-2022 at 12:37 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Hello, this version will save the arrangement.
I acquired the order by sorting A,B,C,D by _y coordinate which works just as good, If all the program was in 1 page it would be easier.
download v10
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-13-2022 at 03:09 PM.

How can the student's answer be a different color?
Client Software Programmer
Above the TrueAnswe function at the questions section, I set 0x777788 to be the color of the selected answer.
PHP Code:
var selected_answer_color:Number=0x777788
Inside of the TrueAnswe function at the questions section, this snippet will check all A,B,C, & D for each row on the report, [7] is where the selected answer is stored.
PHP Code:
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
At the bottom of the script for each button, true_answer, wrong3, wrong2, & wrong1 this script will highlight the latest selected answer, Instead of using a full loop we can find the current selection with parseInt(_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNu m)-1.
PHP Code:
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
myformat.color = _root.main.questions.selected_answer_color;
download v12
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-14-2022 at 06:53 PM.
Client Software Programmer
Bug fix for wrong2:
download v13
Last edited by AS3.0; 11-14-2022 at 07:02 PM.
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