If you rename swf file or exe file
Client Software Programmer
I typed "run" in the start menu, & I entered %appdata% the directory took me to a folder where I searched the index for .sol "shared object files". So I found:
C:\Users\Desktop\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\localhost\Users\Desktop\File ****\Random SharedObject 32.swf\storedFile1.sol
The folder belongs to the swf file by name, & inside of that folder is the storedFile1.sol.
Only .swf's with the name that created the storedFile1.sol can access it.
You can however access sharedObjects through a server which makes it possible to trick the system & give you the file from whatever name. Would you like me to prepare a server?
If you want to go with a network solution we might as well use a socket server instead of sharedobjects...
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-01-2022 at 07:31 AM.
Sorry, I don't understand server and network
Is it possible to change swf file name without losing data
Client Software Programmer
The answer is no.
The partition is based on the applications name.
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-01-2022 at 03:54 PM.
Client Software Programmer
I added a scrollpane for the report preview at the startup.
In the onFrame(2) scripting section for the resize() function when you are upscaling _root.report_container the mask inside stays the same height when using it for calculation to center it, so you can just multiply the mask._height * the upscale.
PHP Code:
_root.report_container._y=Stage.height/2-(_root.report_container.report_preview.mask._height*(_root.report_container._xscale/100))/2 //The upscale is divided by 100 before multiplying it by (_root.report_container._xscale/100).
Would you like to continue this project in AS3 or it is ok that the cookie changes when the file name is different.
download v33
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-02-2022 at 09:42 PM.
Client Software Programmer
Hi, scrollwheel support for report preview was added.
At the main scripting section on lines 214:
PHP Code:
if (scr > 0){//If scrollwheel is rolling up.
scroll_bar_btn_2._y-=15//scroll 15 pixels at a time
scroll_bar_btn_2._y= scroll_bar_bg_2._y
}else{//If scrollwheel is rolling down.
scroll_bar_btn_2._y= scroll_bar_bg_2._y+scroll_bar_bg_2._height-scroll_bar_btn_2._height
download v34
Client Software Programmer
On lines 169 of onFrame(2) check to see if QuestionNum is greater than the selected question_num_size for the scrollpane mask to determine if it will be visible:
PHP Code:
if(_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNum>_root.main.question_number_size){//If QuestionNum > the masked amount of questions.
_root.report_container.scroll_bg._alpha=100//Show scrollpane.
_root.report_container.scroll_bg._alpha=0//Hide scrollpane.
download v35
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-04-2022 at 04:28 PM.
Client Software Programmer
After an answer is selected, a dialog box will appear.
At the questions scripting section I added the function build_selected_dialog which will bring up the dialog box, this function gets called at the end of the wrong1, wrong2, wrong3 & true_answer buttons.
PHP Code:
var dialog_open:Boolean=false;
var temp_1=""
var temp_2=""
var temp_3=""
var temp_4=""
var temp_5=""
function build_selected_dialog(a,b){//a is true false or 3, & b is the answer to the question that was just selected.
_root.shade._alpha=50//Set background shade to 50%.
_root.dialog_box.data_field.text="Sorry, \n You selected the wrong answer."
}else if(a==true){
_root.dialog_box.data_field.text="Congratulations, \n You selected the correct answer."
_root.dialog_box.data_field.text="Sorry, \n You ran out of time to answer this question."
For the dialog box the button called _root.dialog_box.continue_btn the button will store the script that re-enables time for the next question & sets the new text for the next question:
PHP Code:
_root.shade._alpha=0//Hide the shaded area when clicking continue.
_root.main.questions.dialog_open=false;//Set dialog_open to false for all of the buttons behind the alpha'd area to work again.
_root.setTime(String(_root.main.questions.open.data.Questions[_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNum+1][8]));//Start the timer for the next question.
_root.main.questions.text_container.question.text=_root.main.questions.temp_1//Change the "---" to the question & answer data.
_root.img_loader.loadClip("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Desktop\\photos\\photo_"+String(_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNum+1)+".png",_root.question_photo);//Load the picture for the next question.
At the scripting section called main you can see at the inside of the mousewheel function if dialog_open is set to true we can not use the scrollwheel feature:
PHP Code:
mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function(scr) {
//truncated data...
download v36
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-06-2022 at 05:55 AM.
yes, this is
( while timer -- )
if you closed the file
can you restart timer to 20 sec again
Client Software Programmer
Inside of the function for continue_test which is found in onFrame(2) you just need to add the line to start it at 20 seconds:
PHP Code:
//truncated data...
_root.main.questions.open.data.Questions[_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNum+1][8]="0:0:20"//Set to 0 days 0 hours and 20 seconds.
download v37
Client Software Programmer
Bug fix at the 2 button menu:
download v38
Client Software Programmer
Hello, how do you want to handle the undefined for the last question, and maybe it needs a key code for the admin to reset, right?
after the last question directly
1- disable buttons
2- invisible questions
3- show certificate ( can print )
Client Software Programmer
At the decreaseTime function in scripting section onFrame(2) if the timer is on the last question it will say undefined so we should just put "---" for the timer & set the textfield to say completed:
PHP Code:
if(_root.main.timer_mc.timer_text.text=="undefined"){//If timer text reached the end it will say undefined.
_root.main.timer_mc.timer_text.text="---"//Set timer text to ---
_root.main.questions.text_container.total.text="Completed" //Set total.text to say "Completed"
At _root.main.questions.TrueAnswe we can set all of the textfields to say --- during the last question, or instead you can just do _root.main.questions.text_container._visible=false: <-------------------------------------------
PHP Code:
if(_root.main.questions.open.data.QuestionNum> _root.main.questions.open.data.array.length-1){
_root.main.questions.text_container.question.text="---"//Set question text to --- when the final question is complete.
end_reached=true//If end_reached is set to true that means the wrong1,wrong2,wrong3 & true_answer will be disabled.
I also fixed a glitch when answering questions before the scrollpane appears by setting the scrollpane components to invisible at the function called updateScrollSettings(a,b) in scripting section _root.main:
PHP Code:
scroll_bar_bg._visible=true//Reshow scrollpane when it is needed.
scroll_bar_bg._visible=false//Hide scrollpane glitch when answering questions.
For buttons wrong1, wrong2 wrong3 & true_answer they can be unselectable when reaching the last question by checking if the end_reached variable is true or false:
PHP Code:
on (press) {
if(_root.main.questions.dialog_open==false&&_root.main.questions.end_reached==false){//If end reach is true the question button will get disabled.
//truncated data...
So lets do this, we show the certificate instead of the question image, & print everything with the red print button, but can you show me how you want the certificate to look?
If anything send me a design of the certificate section.
download v39
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-10-2022 at 07:50 PM.
Client Software Programmer
I will send you a bug fix for the autologin.
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-11-2022 at 11:52 PM.
Client Software Programmer
Client Software Programmer
This solves an undefined issue:
download v41
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-12-2022 at 02:24 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Inside of the onFrame(2) scripting section at the end I put a drag and drop script for the certificate windows drag bar:
PHP Code:
this._parent.startDrag(false);//Drag certificate window.
this.stopDrag()//Release certificate window.
For the _root.main.view_certificate button thats next to the print button for the report you will see its release event at the scripting section called main:
PHP Code:
_root.window_container._x=Stage.width/2-_root.window_container._width/2//Center the certificate window.
if(_root.test_complete&& _root.window_container._visible==false){
_root.window_container._visible=true//Make Certificate window visible.
_root.window_container._alpha=75//When alpha is less than 100 it will fade in from the enterFrame function at the questions scripting section.
Inside of the onFrame(2) scripting section at function decreaseTime it has the script for the certificate window to output the users score & username:
PHP Code:
_root.window_container._visible=true//Make window visible.
_root.window_container.data_field.text="Certificate - " + _root.user_name
_root.window_container.data_field2.text="Score: " +((_root.main.questions.open.data.POINT/_root.main.questions.open.data.array.length)*100) +"%"//Score is (points/length of questions)*100
_root.window_container.data_field3.text="Certificate of "+_root.user_name//Show username that completed certificate.
clearTimeout(timer_timeout)//End timeout
test_complete=true//When test is complete the view certificate button can be pressed.
I will work on the printing part tomorrow.
download v42
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-14-2022 at 04:15 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Hi, you can print the certificate now.
The accessor for the certificate movieclip is:
PHP Code:
_root.certificate_print_out//Movieclip container.
_root.certificate_print_out["data_field"].text//Score result.
_root.certificate_print_out["data_field2"].text//User name.
At the function called decreaseTime inside of the onFrame(2) scripting section I set the data for the certificate, this is when the test is over:
PHP Code:
_root.certificate_print_out["data_field"].text=_root.user_name//Set certificate user name.
_root.certificate_print_out["data_field2"].text=String((_root.main.questions.open.data.POINT/_root.main.questions.open.data.array.length)*100) +"%"//Set certificate score.
var myformat2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();//Text format properties for the certificate textfield.
myformat2.size=17;//Set textfield size of the certificates data to be 17.
myformat2.color = 0x000000//Set the textfields color to black.
myformat2.bold=true;//Use bold for the text style.
myformat2.align="center";//Center align the text style.
_root.certificate_print_out["data_field"].setTextFormat(myformat2);//Format the certificate textfield using the myformat2 style.
_root.window_container.print_btn has an on release function to print the certificate:
PHP Code:
_root.print_certificate();//Call function to print the certificate out.
The print_certificate() function is at the onFrame(2) scripting section:
PHP Code:
function print_certificate(){
var print_var2:PrintJob = new PrintJob();//Start a print job.
if(print_var2.start()){//Communicate with the printer.
var page;
page = print_var2.addPage(_root.certificate_print_out,{xMin:0,xMax:(_root.certificate_print_out._width),yMin:0,yMax:_root.certificate_print_out._height});//Add page for the print job with accessor: _root.certificate_print_out
print_var.send();//Send to printer queue.
download v43
Last edited by AS3.0; 12-15-2022 at 01:54 AM.
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