if url not found
hello all
this is function to load smooth external images
PHP Code:
onFrame (1) {
MovieClip.prototype.LoadSmoothImage = function(Url,maxW,maxH,redraw) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this.mc.getPercentLoaded() == 100) {
delete this.onEnterFrame
this.mc._xscale = this.mc._yscale = 100;
this.ow = this.mc._width;
this.oh = this.mc._height;
this.x_ratio = maxW / this.ow;
this.y_ratio = maxH / this.oh;
if (this.mc._width > maxW || this.mc._height > maxH) {
if ((this.x_ratio * this.oh) < maxH) {
this.mc._height = Math.ceil(this.x_ratio * this.oh);
this.mc._width = this.size._width;
} else {
this.mc._width = Math.ceil(this.y_ratio * this.ow);
this.mc._height = maxW;
if (redraw) {
this.bitmap=new flash.display.BitmapData(this.mc._width,this.mc._height, true, 0xff0000);
this.mc.forceSmoothing = true ;
for( i=1;i < 10;i++){
i want add code to this function if image not found in url path
if_parent["mc"+i] not found (i) .jpg====> parent["mc"+i] load "0.jpg"
thanks for help
I tried a lot but I didn't succeed in solving it
Any Help
Client Software Programmer
Inside of the this.enterFrame function if this.mc.getBytesTotal() is ever equal to -1 for "unnown.png" that means it is not a valid url, so it will load "unknown.png" spelled properly inside of the if statement.
PHP Code:
onFrame (1) {
MovieClip.prototype.LoadSmoothImage = function(Url,maxW,maxH,redraw) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
_parent["mc"+1].LoadSmoothImage(file_path+"unknown.png",320,320,true);//Load it spelled properly.
if (this.mc.getPercentLoaded() == 100) {
delete this.onEnterFrame
this.mc._xscale = this.mc._yscale = 200;
this.ow = this.mc._width;
this.oh = this.mc._height;
this.x_ratio = maxW / this.ow;
this.y_ratio = maxH / this.oh;
if (this.mc._width > maxW || this.mc._height > maxH) {
if ((this.x_ratio * this.oh) < maxH) {
this.mc._height = Math.ceil(this.x_ratio * this.oh);
this.mc._width = this.size._width;
} else {
this.mc._width = Math.ceil(this.y_ratio * this.ow);
this.mc._height = maxW;
if (redraw) {
this.bitmap=new flash.display.BitmapData(this.mc._width,this.mc._height, true, 0xff0000);
this.mc.forceSmoothing = true ;
var file_path:String="C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Desktop\\movie\\myfolderImages\\"
Last edited by AS3.0; 01-14-2023 at 08:11 AM.
Last edited by kofa; 01-14-2023 at 09:07 AM.
invalid url for loop not working
can you add for loop to valid url and invalid url
Client Software Programmer
This is the source inside of the first mc:
PHP Code:
onFrame (1) {
MovieClip.prototype.LoadSmoothImage = function(Url,maxW,maxH,redraw) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
_parent["mc"+this._name.split("c")[1]].LoadSmoothImage(file_path+"unknown.png",320,320,true);//Load "unknown.png" for mc: this._name.split("c")[1], splitting after the letter "c" of "mc" to retrieve the mc number.
if (this.mc.getPercentLoaded() == 100) {
delete this.onEnterFrame
this.mc._xscale = this.mc._yscale = 200;
this.ow = this.mc._width;
this.oh = this.mc._height;
this.x_ratio = maxW / this.ow;
this.y_ratio = maxH / this.oh;
if (this.mc._width > maxW || this.mc._height > maxH) {
if ((this.x_ratio * this.oh) < maxH) {
this.mc._height = Math.ceil(this.x_ratio * this.oh);
this.mc._width = this.size._width;
} else {
this.mc._width = Math.ceil(this.y_ratio * this.ow);
this.mc._height = maxW;
if (redraw) {
this.bitmap=new flash.display.BitmapData(this.mc._width,this.mc._height, true, 0xff0000);
this.mc.forceSmoothing = true ;
var file_path:String="C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Desktop\\movie\\myfolderImages\\"
for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
_parent["mc"+i].LoadSmoothImage(file_path+String(i)+".png",320,320,true); //file_path + i which is 0-9 .png
Send me your file if it is still not working.
download v1 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 01-14-2023 at 02:27 PM.
try to delete image number 4 or any ===> there is 4 unknown.png appear
i want if image [i] not found ==> only this image load unknown.png
Client Software Programmer
Ok the first mc will be mc1... to mc10.
download v3 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 01-14-2023 at 04:03 PM.
you are AS2 golden man
Client Software Programmer
I changed it to v3, no problem.
in test 4 : https://app.box.com/s/rztkcu5gu4qt6r6q8uxpngf9n59kw21z
i want :
1- add onRollOver , onRollOut , onpress functions for only loaded image
it maen : if mc not loaded image ===> mc .enabled = false and remove onRollOver , onRollOut , onpress functions
2- when onRollOver ===> stroke1._x=this mc._x and stroke1._visible=true
3- when onRollOut ===> stroke1._visible=false
4 when onpress
A- if this the first mc pressed ===> strok1 visible but if pressed this mc again strok1 no visible
B- if pressed another ===> strok2 visible
c- if 2 mc pressed ===> waite 2 second and trace(" ready ")
Last edited by kofa; 01-15-2023 at 04:34 AM.
Client Software Programmer
At the images scripting section you have the colors for stroke_color_1 which is red & for stroke_color_2 which is green:
PHP Code:
var stroke_color_1:Number=0xFF0000//Red.
var stroke_color_2:Number=0x00FF00//Green.
PHP Code:
onSelfEvent (load) {
stroke1._visible = false;
stroke2._visible = false;
var stroke_size:Number=5
var stroke_color_1:Number=0xFF0000
var stroke_color_2:Number=0x00FF00
var timeout=null//Variable to store the 2 second delayed function call.
function ready(){
trace("ready")//Call in 2 seconds if more than 2 images are selected at the stroke 2 setting.
var selected_items:Array=new Array();//This array stores all of the images that are currently with stroke_1 or stroke_2.
var found_bin:Array=new Array();//This array will be used to give all of the images stroke 2 if the size is greater than 1.
function checkMultiple(){//Check multiples and modify the stroke color to stroke 2.
found_bin=new Array();
for(var i=0;i<selected_items.length;i++){//Search through the full array of selected images.
if(selected_items[i]!=undefined){//If the array element is not undefined it can be identified as an image.
found_bin.push(selected_items[i])//Add the image to the found bin.
if(found_bin.length>1){//If the found bin has > 1 items, give all of the selected images the second stroke color.
clearTimeout(timeout)//Clear timeout if rapidly pressing more images so multiple ready function calls don't happen.
timeout=setTimeout(ready,2000);//Create a new timeout in 2 seconds & store it inside the variable called timeout.
for(var i=0;i<found_bin.length;i++){//Loop through all of the images in found_bin & set the new stroke color.
found_bin[i].clear()//Clear the previous stroke color.
found_bin[i].lineStyle(stroke_size,stroke_color_2);//Draw the stroke rectangle.
for(var i=0;i<found_bin.length;i++){
clearTimeout(timeout)//Found bin currently only has 1 item so cancel the 2 second timeout if available.
found_bin[i].clear()//Clear the graphics color of the found bin since its size is 1.
found_bin[i].lineStyle(stroke_size,stroke_color_1);//Change the stroke color back to stroke_color_1 since there is only 1 image selected.
found_bin[i].moveTo(-stroke_size,-stroke_size);//Draw the stroke rectangle.
onFrame (2) {
MovieClip.prototype.LoadSmoothImage = function(Url,maxW,maxH,redraw) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.main.images["st"+this._name.split("t")[1]].LoadSmoothImage(file_path2+"0.jpg",100,85,true);//Load it spelled properly.
//_parent[this._name].LoadSmoothImage(file_path2+"0.jpg",100,85,true);//Load it spelled properly.
this.loaded=false//Set the image to have a local variable called loaded & give it the value: false.
this.useHandCursor=false//Hide hand cursor if it is not a loaded image.
if (this.mc.getPercentLoaded() == 100) {
this.onRollOver=function(){//On rollover event for current loaded image.
if(this.line_enabled!=true&&this.loaded!=false){//If this.loaded local variable is not false & this.line_enabled local variable is not true, draw the rectangle for it with stroke_1.
selected_items[this._name.split("t")[1]]=this//Add this image to the array for selected_items.
stroke_size=5//Set stroke_size to 5.
this.lineStyle(stroke_size,stroke_color_1);//Draw the rectangle.
this.onPress=function(){//On press event for the current image.
if(this.line_enabled==true){//If local_variable for this images line_enabled is true, set it back to false & erase the current rectangle.
this.line_enabled=false//Set the line back to false.
this.clear()//Erase the line.
selected_items[this._name.split("t")[1]]=undefined//Change the array position for this image to equal undefined.
checkMultiple()//Call function to update all of the rectangles.
this.line_enabled=true//Set this image to line enabled if it wasn't already.
checkMultiple()//Call function to update all of the rectangles.
this.onRollOut=function(){//On rollout function for the current image.
if(this.line_enabled!=true){//On rollout if the images local variable called line_enabled is not true it can be cleared.
this.clear()//Clear the current rectangle.
selected_items[this._name.split("t")[1]]=undefined//Set this images array postion to equal undefined for the selected_items array list.
delete this.onEnterFrame
this.mc._xscale = this.mc._yscale = 200;
this.ow = this.mc._width;
this.oh = this.mc._height;
this.x_ratio = maxW / this.ow;
this.y_ratio = maxH / this.oh;
if (this.mc._width > maxW || this.mc._height > maxH) {
if ((this.x_ratio * this.oh) < maxH) {
this.mc._height = Math.ceil(this.x_ratio * this.oh);
this.mc._width = this.size._width;
} else {
this.mc._width = Math.ceil(this.y_ratio * this.ow);
this.mc._height = maxW;
if (redraw) {
this.bitmap=new flash.display.BitmapData(this.mc._width,this.mc._height, true, 0xff0000);
this.mc.forceSmoothing = false ;
var file_path:String="students\\3_1\\"
var file_path2:String="students\\"
for(var i=1;i<11;i++){
download v5 (swish)
i want if 2 images pressed ===>disable other images onRollOver and onPress functions
you can solve the errors in debug panel
in line 12
PHP Code:
var timeout:Number=0
in line 28
PHP Code:
in line 41
PHP Code:
thank you my friend
Client Software Programmer
At the images scripting section there are 2 new arrays:
PHP Code:
var all_images:Array=new Array();//This array is for removing images that are not selected if there is more than 1 selected in the checkMultiple() function.
var images_total:Array=new Array();//Always stores all images.
At the images scripting section inside of the checkMultiple() function:
PHP Code:
for(var j=0;j<found_bin.length;j++){//If the found bin has more than 1 image inside it we can disable the non selected images.
for(var i=0;i<all_images.length;i++){
if(found_bin[j]==all_images[i]){//The image was found so it can be removed.
all_images.splice(i,1)//Splice the found image out.
for( i=0;i<all_images.length;i++){//Now that the selected images have been separated from the all images array.
all_images[i].loaded=false//Make all of the images inside of this array a non selectable image.
all_images[i].useHandCursor=false//Hide the hand cursor.
At the images scripting section inside of the checkMultiple() function:
PHP Code:
for( i=0;i<images_total.length;i++){//Loop through all of the loaded images by checking images_total.length.
all_images[i]=images_total[i]//If the found_bin's size is less than 2 we can reset the all_images array to have all of the images again.
images_total[i].loaded=true//Set as a loaded image again making it selectable.
images_total[i].useHandCursor=true//Show hand cursor again.
download v6 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 01-17-2023 at 10:39 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Removed error from debug panel:
download v7 (swish)
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