external html image
hello all
this is swishmax external html image file

swish code :
PHP Code:
onFrame (2) {
load_image txt file code :
PHP Code:
&pic=<img src="1.jpg" />
how can i add some text as like this

my file: https://app.box.com/s/y9f49uhhxx4a8axpg49sdby157aefez2
thanks for help
Client Software Programmer
Hello you can load an image from the "load_image.txt" node as well as load some multi line text from "settings.txt" with another loader.
At the onFrame(1) scripting section:
PHP Code:
onFrame (1) {
var load_vars_1 = new LoadVars();//Create a new load vars.
load_vars_1.load("load_image.txt");//load the textfile with the image node.
var str=""
load_vars_1.onData = function(e) {
createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
img_loader.loadClip(str.split("<img src=\"")[1].split("\"")[0], image_mc);//Load 1.jpg which is str.split("<img src=\"")[1].split("\"")[0].
var img_loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();//Create a loader for the image node text.
_root.image_mc._x=Stage.width/2-_root.image_mc._width/2//Center the image that you just loaded.
var load_vars_2 = new LoadVars();//Load data into the _root.data_field.text textfield.
load_vars_2.load("settings.txt");//Load settings.txt
load_vars_2.onData = function(e) {
_root.data_field.text=e//Set the textfields data to be e from the loaded settings.txt file.
var myformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();//Create a style for the textfield.
myformat.size=13 ;//Set the textfields size.
myformat.color = 0xFF0000;
myformat.align="center";//Center align the text field.
_root.data_field._x=Stage.width/2-_root.data_field._width/2//Center the textfield to the stage.
download v1 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 02-04-2023 at 07:46 PM.
can you add external CSS file to control font size , color , algin
same problem,
which is that the words are fragmented on the lines
Client Software Programmer
Hi, I added css & split the sentences into new lines.
Load: "load_image.txt" onload > load: "1.jpg" > onload > load: "settings.txt" > onload > load: "styles.css" to apply on the string that came from"settings.txt":
PHP Code:
onFrame (1) {
var load_vars_1 = new LoadVars();//Create a new load vars.
load_vars_1.load("load_image.txt");//Load the settings.txt
var str=""
load_vars_1.onData = function(e) {
createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
img_loader.loadClip(str.split("<img src=\"")[1].split("\"")[0], image_mc);
var img_loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var loaded_str=""
var load_vars_2 = new LoadVars();//Load data into the _root.data_field.text textfield.
load_vars_2.onData = function(e) {
my_styleSheet.load("styles.css");//Load the style sheet after the html text gets loaded from settings.txt
var myformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myformat.size=13 ;
myformat.color = 0xFF0000;
import TextField.StyleSheet;
this.createTextField("data_field", 1, 1, 1, Stage.width/5, Stage.height/5);
data_field.multiline = true;
data_field.wordWrap = true;
data_field.html = true;
var my_styleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
my_styleSheet.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
data_field.styleSheet = my_styleSheet;
var str2=loaded_str.split(">")[3].split("<")[0]//Collect the first part of the nodes.
var sentences=""
for(var i=0;i<str2.split(".").length;i++){//Split the sentences into new lines.
data_field.htmlText = loaded_str.substr(0,loaded_str.indexOf("y'>"))+"y'>"+sentences+"</p>" //The style sheet was loaded & the data_field.text is given the settings.txt str.
download v2 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 02-05-2023 at 11:35 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Bug fix for larger sentences:
download v3 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 02-05-2023 at 12:24 PM.
in external settings file
can you delete html code i want only sentences
can you control distance between the image and the sentence in css file
can you add scroll if larger sentences
can you add smooth and quality to image
can you copy root cade to mc to add it in any project
when i maximize swf file
same problem,
which is that the words are fragmented on the lines
same problem,
when i set font size to large
Client Software Programmer
Hi, the new features are:
-Load just sentences.
-Use css margin to separate image from scrollpane.
-Larger sentences if you modify styles.css
-Adjust image quality.
-Copied script to _root mc called pane_1
-Fixed text fragment, (When highlighting text is what you mean?)
-Fixed text fragment when css font size increases.
For the style sheet, you need to modify margin to separate the image from the loaded text:
PHP Code:
my_styleSheet.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {//On load event for css file.
getCssValues(this)//When the css file gets loaded you can call getCssValues(this) to get the margin separation.
var marginLoaded=0//Global margin variable to store.
function getCssValues(my_styleSheet:StyleSheet):Void {
var styleNames:Array = my_styleSheet.getStyleNames();
for(var i = 0; i<styleNames.length; i++) {//Loop through the styleNames list.
var styleName:String = styleNames[i];
data_field.text+=("Style "+styleName+":");
var styleObject:Object = my_styleSheet.getStyle(styleName);
for (var propName in styleObject) {
var propValue = styleObject[propName];
if(propName=="margin"){//If the found style is called margin, use its propValue as the marginLoaded.
For the scrollpane you can update its settings at the onFrame(2) scripting section by calling updateScrollSettings():
PHP Code:
pane_focus.container.content.data_field.htmlText="<p class='heading'></p><p class='mainBody'>"+sentences+"</p>"//Set the html text with the sentences inside & </p> at the end.
pane_focus.container.content.data_field._height=int(pane_focus.container.content.data_field.textHeight+5)//Update the height of the textfield.
pane_focus.container.content.data_field._width=int(pane_focus.container.content.data_field.textWidth+5)//Update the width of the textfield.
pane_focus.updateScrollSettings(pane_focus.container.content,pane_focus.container.mask_mc)//Update scroll settings of the textfield.//Update scroll Settings.
pane_focus.scrollToMin()//Scroll to the top after updating pane settings.
You can also use pane_focus.scrollToMax() if you want the pane to scroll to the bottom.
PHP Code:
If you want to update the scrollpanes size I left comments on how to do that at the onFrame(2) scripting section near the end:
PHP Code:
pane_focus.container.mask_mc._width=Stage.width/1.1 //Set the width of the pane by adjusting mask_mc._width.
pane_focus.container.mask_mc._height=Stage.height/4 //Set the height of the pane by adjusting mask_mc._height.
pane_focus.updateScrollSettings(pane_focus.container.content,pane_focus.container.mask_mc) //Update scroll settings.
pane_focus._x=Stage.width/2-(pane_focus.scroll_bg._x+pane_focus.scroll_bg._width)/2 //Center align the textfield, use the position of the scroll_bg to determine the width.
pane_focus.scrollToMin()//Call function to scroll to the top, or scrollToMax()
download v4 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 02-06-2023 at 02:39 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Bug fix on scrollpane:
download v5 (swish)
if i set text-align:right ===> the text not appear correct in scroll
can you add image url in settings file ( i want one file only )
Client Software Programmer
Hi, I put the image url in the settings file, & fixed the text-align to appear in the correct horizontal scroll, you can also use smaller fonts for align_mode:right
In the onFrame(2) scripting section at the bottom where the stylesheets been loaded:
PHP Code:
if(align_mode=="left"){//If align_mode is left, set the horizontal scroll to min.
if(align_mode=="right"){//If align_mode is right, set the horizontal scroll to max.
download v6 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 02-06-2023 at 04:06 PM.
if impossible to set quality and smooth image
can you return to delete image url from settings file
and add mc to load smooth by draw function
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