At the ContentScroller scripting section where you originally setup the area to load the "story.txt" you can store a new font size to adjust the fitment of the text:
PHP Code:
if (parameters.initOnLoad) {
this.SetSize(500,200)//Width, height.
this._x=Stage.width/2-this._width/2//Center the component by x.
this._y=Stage.height/2-this._height/2//Center the component by y.
onSelfEvent (load) {
var text_size=13//Font size onload.
var text_color=0xFF0000//Font color onload.
loadVariables("story.txt");//Load story.txt
If you want to modify the textFormat even more you can go to the textOnScroll() scripting section of the ContentScroller:
PHP Code:
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();//Create textformat variable.
tf.size = _root.ContentScroller.text_size;//Set the size to the variable called text_size.
tf.color = _root.ContentScroller.text_color;//Set the color to the variable called color.
this.setTextFormat(tf)//Apply the text format properties to the textArea.
this._height=this._parent._height//Adjust the textfields height.
download v2 (swish)
swish font progress:
The font project is about 65% complete I was working on the glyph reader to perform the lineTo operations.