problem in background scaling and printing
hello all
this is swishmax file
when i maximaize swf file as you see the background not scaling

The second problem is how to print main mc as full A4
my file:https://app.box.com/s/i1nfp40g5ejfqzm8oqkjl9wcen16slwa
thanks for help
Client Software Programmer
Hello, you can set the background to the dimensions of the stage without using scale & also give the print_btn an onPress event to prepare a print.
The full script is at the onFrame(2) scripting section. Inside of the function called resized() you can fill it in with the dimensions of A4 paper instead of width & height of the stage during print:
PHP Code:
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var scaleObject=new Object();
resized(Stage.width,Stage.height);//Use a resize function that can be called to be able to pass different parameters for width & height during print.
function resized(a,b){//Resized event that can be called.
_root.main.background._width=a;//Use a for the stage width & set the background as the stage width.
_root.main.background._height=b;//Use b for the stage height & set the background as the stage height.
if(a>b){//If stage width is greater than stage height, based the width of the print button by the height of the stage.
_root.main.print_btn._width=a/2;//If stage width is less than stage height, base the height of the print button by the width of the stage.
_root.main.print_btn._x=a/2;//Center the print button to the x coordinate of the stage.
_root.main.print_btn._y=b/1.2;//Divide by 1.2 to keep the print button at the bottom of the stage.
resized(576,769);//Resize the main mc to the dimensions of A4 paper before printing.
var print_var:PrintJob=new PrintJob();//Start a print job.
if(print_var.start()){//Check if printer can be used.
var page;
page = print_var.addPage(_root.main,{xMin:0,xMax:(576),yMin:0,yMax:769});//Add a page, print _root.main with xmax as A4 width & ymax as A4 height.
resized(Stage.width,Stage.height);//Resize the main mc before printing to show the graphics properly during stage pause.
print_var.send();//Send the details for the printer options to appear.
resized(Stage.width,Stage.height);//Resize the main mc to the dimensions of the stage if esc was pressed during print or something else happened.
download v2 (swish)
not full (A4 PDF page)

Last edited by kofa; 02-16-2023 at 01:21 AM.
Client Software Programmer
Hi, I adjusted the values to work for A4, Also by putting all of the main movieclips inside a container called orientation, you can resize & rotate its child movieclip called main to the proper print preview.
The orientation is supposed to be chosen inside of your program, so just click the mode button to change it:
PHP Code:
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var scaleObject=new Object();
resized(Stage.width,Stage.height);//Use a resize function that can be called to be able to pass different parameters for width & height during print.
function resized(a,b){//Resized event that can be called.
_root.orientation.main.background._width=a;//Use a for the stage width & set the background as the stage width.
_root.orientation.main.background._height=b;//Use b for the stage height & set the background as the stage height.
if(a>b){//If stage width is greater than stage height, based the width of the print button by the height of the stage.
_root.orientation.main.print_btn._width=a/2;//If stage width is less than stage height, base the height of the print button by the width of the stage.
_root.orientation.main.mode_btn._width=a/2;//If stage width is less than stage height, base the height of the print button by the width of the stage.
_root.orientation.main.print_btn._x=a/2;//Center the print button to the x coordinate of the stage.
_root.orientation.main.print_btn._y=b/1.2;//Divide by 1.2 to keep the print button at the bottom of the stage.
_root.orientation.main.mode_btn._x=a/2;//Center the print button to the x coordinate of the stage.
var current_mode="portrait"
_root.orientation.main.mode_btn.data_field.text="mode: landscape"
_root.orientation.main.mode_btn.data_field.text="mode: portrait"
function print_preview(a){
resized(595,842);//Resize the main mc to the dimensions of A4 paper before printing. //standard 576,769, A4 595,842
_root.orientation.main.mode_btn.data_field.text="mode: portrait"
}else if(current_mode=="landscape"){
resized(842,595);//Resize the main mc to the dimensions of A4 paper before printing. //standard 576,769, A4 595,842
_root.orientation.main.mode_btn.data_field.text="mode: landscape"
function normal_view(){
var print_var:PrintJob=new PrintJob();//Start a print job.
if(print_var.start()){//Check if printer can be used.
var page;
page = print_var.addPage(_root.orientation,{xMin:0,xMax:(595),yMin:0,yMax:842});//Add a page, print _root.orientation.main with xmax as A4 width & ymax as A4 height.
resized(Stage.width,Stage.height);//Resize the main mc before printing to show the graphics properly during stage pause.
print_var.send();//Send the details for the printer options to appear.
resized(Stage.width,Stage.height);//Resize the main mc to the dimensions of the stage if esc was pressed during print or something else happened.
download v3 (swish)
Last edited by AS3.0; 02-16-2023 at 10:02 AM.
I always learn the art of programming from you
what about font converter project
if i add any object in main mc ====> not scaling
can you redesigning this file as:
1- _root.main ====> the main movieclip
2- add scaling to the main movieclip and its objects
3- add print function to print any object ex
print(movieclip , orientation)
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