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Thread: Camera Access for Game

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Camera Access for Game

    Noob questions:
    1.) Can I create an app/game with adobe animate that accesses the phone's camera?

    I would like text/animations to display, and play based off of the pixel data being sent from the camera.

    2.) Can I use adobe animate to connect bluetooth on a "smartphone" to an arduino microcontroller that will move the camera on a timer?

    I would like to click a button in the game, then have the camera move around (which will be handled by the microcontroller that handles the motors).

    3.) Can I access the microphone to allow for audio level checks?

    Part of the game is to incorporate "scream therapy", so the users will be moving around trying to keep their face in front of the camera and screaming at the top of their lungs lol

    I know, I know, it's a stupid project, but it's also about the learning process...

    I used to study TonyPa's tilebased tutorials and I've done some custom openCV projects. I've also experimented with microcontrollers, motors, and various sensors. I just need to know if adobe is capable of handling this kind of project before I spend too much time re-learning it.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    Okay, I think I missed the best 5 years with Flash/Animate. After digging around, it looks like AIR was discontinued for android and iOS. I don't see any way of publishing the adobe flash/animate to anything other than a swf file, which correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't work on android phones? Can anyone verify this?

    Adobe Animate (which is just Adobe's current version of Flash as far as I can tell) cannot be exported into an android or iOS app?

    Ugh, I have no idea what to learn anymore. I want to focus on something like Animate, but it's lacking portability. I would focus on python, but it's too cumbersome to create animations and GUI's. I'm lost.

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