As many of you have noticed, the user content on this website no longer works. In 2021, FlashKit was sold to new owners who didn't transfer any of the user content over, and since then, the entire website has been reduced to a forum. Around the same time, a few loop archives appeared on (including my own), and while they were useful, they had inconsistent folder structures which made loops hard to find. So, I was inspired to create a website that kept them all in one convenient place, and I came up with KitLoops! The website can be found at

The archive started off with everything on, but as well as finding additional loops from across the internet, I've had a few e-mails from others who've kindly helped add to it. Since its inception in late 2023, it's already grown to encompass over 3,000 loops. Every category from FlashKit is represented, and although the archive is incomplete, it contains every single loop that's been found so far, while also featuring a few sound effects. The categories of some items are unknown; these have been put in their own folder.

To make things easier to find, there's a search bar, an "instant button" that allows you to type the name of a loop and find it instantly, a "random loop" button and an artist index. The archive is always growing, and if you have any loops/sound effects to contribute, my e-mail address can be found across the website. As a safety measure, I've also made personal backups of the archive so nothing will be lost this time!

Happy browsing, and big thanks to Steve R Jones for his approval and help coordinating this forum post!