So I'm trying to change the _alpha property of a movieclip that's being handled through a normal playhead tween. I'm only modifying the position via the keyframes. However, once I change the _alpha, the playhead stops. No calls to nextFrame() or gotoAndPlay() or anything will advance the playhead forward at all.

Now, I found this link which conveniently lists the following:

If you modify any of the following properties of a MovieClip object that contains a motion tween, Flash Player stops the playhead in that MovieClip object: _alpha, blendMode, filters, _height, opaqueBackground, _rotation, scale9Grid, scrollRect, transform, _visible, _width, _x, _xscale, _y, or _yscale. However, it does not stop the playhead in any child MovieClip objects of that MovieClip object.

So... okay, that's really annoying. It'd be really nice if by changing _alpha, it keeps the playhead going and only disables any changes to alpha via keyframes. That's the kind of behavior I would expect. Instead it just stops.

Hence, I need a good workaround for this. I could make a subclip inside and change the alpha on that, but I've got a lot of movieclips and this would be a lot of work.

Does anyone know of any other ways around this?